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 @9RM3SJZ from California answered…1hr1H

Making life more affordable for those on minimum wage could include but is not limited to an increase in the federal min…

 @9RM3BPDfrom Virgin Islands  answered…1hr1H

No, eliminate wage standards but enforce more employee protection laws that would prevent employers from exploiting work…

 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…5hrs5H

I think the concept of the minimum wage is terrible, but unfortunately coorperations cannot be trusted to compensate the…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…5hrs5H

Create a living wage slightly more than the current minimum wage, force companies to keep their prices the same with adj…

 @9RLPHBW from Wisconsin answered…7hrs7H

I have a theory. If we increase the minimum wage then people will get slowly complacent with say $15/Hour, which in turn…

 @9RLM5KB from Montana answered…9hrs9H

No, however, there should be more adjustment for how much the job someone does is worth. A pharmacist should not be maki…

 @9RLD54T from North Carolina answered…13hrs13H

Yes, but minimally to account for previous inflation. The more its raised the more inflation will grow.

 @9RL6TCD from New Jersey answered…17hrs17H

Yes, and adjust it every year according to inflation, cost of housing, and cost of living for an individual adult based…