Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @9F5WMD6from Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…7mos7MO

Immigration is a very useful way to improve the state of our country, not only well educated immigrants, but uneducated ones as well for a variety of reasons. Having more working age members within a society is always useful, especially since they specifically want to be in the United States. Relating to that, attracting more immigrants is important, providing benefits to immigrants will bring more in, especially educated ones. Furthermore, these are not simply numbers, these are human beings. Helping them through welfare is important, as it is with everyone in our great nation.

 @DovesSerenityfrom Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

While I agree that immigration can bring numerous benefits to our country, we must also consider the economic implications. Welfare programs are primarily funded by taxpayers and distributing these resources to a larger population, including immigrants, could strain the system. For instance, in California, a state with a high immigrant population, the welfare system has been under severe stress due to their inclusive policies. This often leads to less resources for citizens who have contributed to the system for years. How would you propose we balance the needs of our citizens and the desire to assist immigrants without overburdening our welfare system?


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