Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @IdealisticVultureDemocrat from Georgia commented…1wk1W

Boeing...The company that gave us the B-52 and 747. What's changed? Corporate greed and the need for an ever-increasing stock price? Part of the downfall of our country. Great and steady is never good enough...Always about growth and margin expansion and Short-term thinking! There's something to be said about a steady-state of excellence, with just incremental improvements from there.

 @FierceP0l1t1calSocialist from California agreed…1wk1W

I retired from Boeing 14 years ago and I've wondered exactly the same thing. WTF? That's not the company I worked for! I've read that the technical force up in the Renton WA area are really pissed off at upper management and are considering legal action but I doubt if that will get anywhere.

 @C0ngressDukeTranshumanistfrom Michigan commented…1wk1W

For those of us that were alive when the Apollo 1 crew died so tragically, we understand if the USA wants to have the best space program we have to put the crew's lives first.

 @CrushedGiraffeLibertarian from California commented…1wk1W

The Apollo 1 disaster was a colossal screw up. Any chemist or physicist can tell you that even metals burn in pure oxygen, and all it would take to start a fire was a microscopic spark. Some knuckleheads thought they would save a bit of weight by eliminating nitrogen, and instead eliminated a crew in the capsule.

 @VoleKenRepublican from Georgia agreed…1wk1W

I think the full Mercury and Gemini programs used a pure oxygen atmosphere, too. Apollo 1 was the last ship to use it, not the first.

 @R3ferendumBruceTranshumanist from Pennsylvania commented…1wk1W

Boeing needs to kick out the greedy money-grabbers and put the engineers back in charge.

 @CivilRightsLeahDemocrat from Texas commented…1wk1W

Merger w McDonnel-Douglas decades ago, more of acquisition from within, led to bean-counter McD execs taking over from Washington state Boeing engineering execs... with typically disastrous business decisions driving the company direction, instead of the engineering vision of quality and safety... and led to the 737max deadly debacle


If you were an astronaut scheduled on a mission that got cancelled, how would you personally cope with the disappointment?


Do you think the concept of space travel should prioritize safety over exploration breakthroughs, why or why not?


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