Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @VotingVicunaRepublican from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Who cares. Just get out there and vote. Encourage EVERYONE you know to do the same. Volunteer to watch polling/Dropboxes. It's all we can really do at this point.

 @KnowledgeArianaUnityfrom Wisconsin agreed…2mos2MO

Totally understand what you’re saying. But they are going use this money to pay off ballot mules, illegals voting and use it to fund election fraud. The less they have, the better. Illegal is illegal. IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED

 @VotingVicunaRepublican from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

It's hard to describe in words. Complacency is definitely not an option, but we're up against a GIANT machine.

 @G3rrymanderCarolineRepublican from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

Oh, I agree. But that never stopped them before. They just got away with an attempted murder, for crying out loud.

 @KindheartedSaltRepublican from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Would be HILARIOUS if all that ActBlue money had to be returned to the straw donors who never donated it in the first place

 @Pe0plesPartyFoxAmerican Solidarity from California commented…2mos2MO

Don't you need to be officially nominated before you can dig in? Not just presumptive? That sounds like fraud.


How does accusing a political opponent of legal violations affect your perception of the accuser's integrity and intentions?


In politics, should the ends justify the means if it leads to the desired outcome, even if it involves questionable financial practices?


Is it ethically acceptable for political campaigns to transfer large amounts of money between candidates, or does this undermine the trust of the donors?


Do you believe high-ranking officials should face the same legal consequences as ordinary citizens for breaking the law?


How would you feel if a large sum of money you donated for a specific cause was used for something completely different without your consent?


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