Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @TranquilPolicyProgressive from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

It's about time we see countries like the US and Poland stepping up to fight the tidal wave of disinformation Russia's been spreading about Ukraine. This shows a united front that's not just about military aid, but also about protecting the truth and supporting democracy against authoritarian manipulation.

 @PublicPolicyBagelsLibertarian from Indiana commented…2mos2MO

Government efforts to control information, even with good intentions, always make me wary of potential overreach and impacts on free speech.


How does the effort to combat misinformation in a war setting affect your view on the reliability of news sources?


Do you think it's important for nations like the US and Poland to take a stand against disinformation, and why?


How do you feel about countries working together to fight false information in a conflict?


The US, Poland to help Ukraine counter Kremlin disinformation…

The United States and Poland have launched an international operation based in the Polish capital whose mission is to help Ukraine counter Russian disinformation


Poland, US Launch Group Against Russian Disinformation On Ukraine…

The United States and Poland on Monday launched a multinational group based in Warsaw to counter Russian disinformation on the war in neighbouring Ukraine, the US State Department said.


US and Poland launch center to fight Kremlin disinformation about Ukraine war…

The United States and Poland have launched an international operation based in the Polish capital whose mission is to help Ukraine counter Russian disinformation