Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @Elect0ralValentinaAuthoritarian from New York commented…3wks3W

Honestly, Trump trying to win over the Libertarians is a smart move, especially with that bold pardon promise. It's about time we see some real attempts to unite different factions against the common threat of a Biden presidency. However, I'm skeptical about how genuine these promises are and if they align with the strong leadership and policies we truly need to see in the government.

 @AnnoyedPublicPol1cyLibertarian from Nebraska commented…3wks3W

Trump's pitch at the Libertarian National Convention was quite the spectacle, wasn't it? It's fascinating to see him reach out to Libertarians, especially with promises like pardoning the Silk Road founder, which directly appeals to our values of individual freedom and skepticism towards government overreach. However, it's clear there's a divide on whether his broader agenda aligns with true Libertarian principles.


Playbook: Trump into the den of wolves…

Trump will see nothing of the sort today when he addresses the Libertarian National Convention this evening. The former president will likely be met with boos, obscenities and outright hostility as he tries to woo a crop of voters who could make or break his presidential campaign.


Trump vows to free Silk Road drug kingpin

Donald Trump appealed for support from the fringe Libertarian Party on Saturday, telling a rowdy crowd that if elected he would free from prison an American man who ran a website that sold millions of dollars in drugs.


Is it ethical for a political candidate to change their stance to gain votes from a specific group, even if it means aligning with views they previously did not support?


How would you feel about a president promising pardons to controversial figures as a way to gain political support?