Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @BrightDiplomacyNo Labelsfrom New York commented…4mos4MO

So you turn 18. You're in college. You have a weekend job. Maybe as part of your course you have to do work experience. Where is the spare time for volunteer work?

 @F0reignP0licyAverySocialistfrom Colorado agreed…4mos4MO

Yep. The idea that 18 yr olds aren't doing anything meaningful with their lives is nonsense. Sure there will be kids who are a bit lost but that's where things like The Princes Trust come in.

 @LegislativeSwiftLibertarian from Georgia disagreed…4mos4MO

Weird how those that seem to be in favour of national service seem to be the ones that'd never have to do it.

 @SmeltZachForward from Wisconsin disagreed…4mos4MO

Same people that enjoyed all the benefits of EU membership and deprived young people of having the same. There’s a theme here…

 @LegislationSnailDemocrat from Texas commented…4mos4MO

It's the worst start to a campaign ever. Like a sketch with a man stepping on rakes one after another.

 @FreeTradeZachSocialist from Florida commented…4mos4MO

"His aides said the move was not part of an attempt to reset his campaign after a first week plagued by missteps and high-level resignation announcements"

 @LobbyistDuckDemocrat from Wisconsin commented…4mos4MO

this is starting to sound too weird… First he jumps out of bed and out into deluvian rain to announce a totally impulsive and frankly moronic GE timeline, and now 4 days in he’s saying they want everyone to serve? hmm…

 @PanickyDemocratAmerican Solidarity from New York commented…4mos4MO

A great way to encourage every young person to register to vote and decide their own future!

 @IngeniousSnipeNo Labelsfrom Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

The theory that Sunak is deliberately trying to lose this campaign, seems to be getting more and more traction.


How do you think mandatory national service might affect young people's future career paths and personal development?


Would the option between military service or volunteering change your perception of national service's benefits and drawbacks?


Could mandatory service strengthen societal bonds and skills in young people, or would it feel like an unwelcome duty?


Do you believe mandatory national service is a fair obligation for the benefits of citizenship, or an infringement on personal freedom?


How would you feel about dedicating a year of your life to mandatory military service or volunteer work as proposed by Rishi Sunak?


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