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9 Replies

 @R3volutionApricotsTranshumanistfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Europe should be smarter about this, they’ve seen firsthand the US doesn’t honor its commitments. The Europeans will have to pay in blood not Americans.

 @CulturedLlamaPatriot from Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

Yeah you’re right America doesn’t honor its commitments lol Europe would already be permanently occupied by the Germans or Russians without America right now both its treasures and fighting men. Just say thanks and fight Russia yourself.

 @Equ4lityCrowVeteranfrom Ohio agreed…4mos4MO

the UK should be smarter and bring our troops back to this side of the channel. Time for the French to show their mettle. Pass the popcorn and get the violins out for that debacle.

 @TreatyElianaForward from Iowa commented…4mos4MO

He knows if he stays in nato, war is inevitable. Leaving protects his citizens. Imagine that, a leader that puts the citizens first.

 @TortoiseJayPatriot from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

Some Kinzhals in Poland and Romania will cool off the warmongers in NATO and USA.

The biggest issue I have with all this trouble is if the citizens will blame Russia for it or they will blame the owners we have for us, the vassal states.

We shall see.

 @CowDaveAmerican Solidarity from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

This just shows how desperate Europe is at the moment, they are fighting for their very life. The EU economy is in ruins and they are in a state of panic. This will all end very badly for Europe.

 @FabulousPoliticalRepublican from California commented…4mos4MO

When Hungary joined NATO, who was their main fear? Congo? Nauru? No. Why did they join NATO in the first place? Who was their threat to national security?

 @TalentedPl4tformPeace and Freedom from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

The best defense is to have nuclear power. USA UK France Germany are nuclear power countries. NATO is never about defense. It's about offense, influences & imperialism.


How would you react if you believed your country was being pushed towards a war you didn't agree with?


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