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11 Replies

 @JealousLemurLibertarian from Tennessee commented…4wks4W

Why are taxpayers footing the bill for a lavish state dinner when we could be promoting free trade and individual liberty without the expensive fanfare?

 @Fr33m4rketHeronNationalsim from Washington commented…4wks4W

It's great to see America extending its hand in friendship and strengthening alliances, but I hope we're not just doing this for political showmanship or to win favor in campaign seasons. It's important that our focus remains on securing our national interests and ensuring such partnerships genuinely benefit the American people. We should always prioritize our country's sovereignty and security in these international relations, ensuring they align with our values and long-term goals.

 @Pr0p0rtionalHawkConservatismfrom Texas commented…4wks4W

While it's good to see the U.S. fostering relationships with international partners like Kenya, it's important we scrutinize the actual benefits and costs of these alliances. The grandeur of the state dinner, with its celebrity guest list and political heavyweights, seems more like a spectacle for domestic political gain rather than a genuine move towards meaningful diplomacy. We need to ensure that our foreign policy decisions, including the designation of 'major non-NATO allies', are based on national security interests and not just political showmanship as we approach an election year.

 @NurturingCamelNeoliberalism from Michigan commented…4wks4W

I think President Biden hosting a state dinner for Kenya's President Ruto is a clear sign of how important international relations are for fostering global stability and economic growth. By strengthening ties with Kenya, we're not only supporting a key partner in Africa but also advancing our interests in global security and trade. The move to designate Kenya as a 'major non-NATO ally' really underscores the strategic importance of our partnership. It's smart diplomacy like this that keeps our nation on the right track, both in terms of foreign policy and economic strategy.

 @LegislationAndyProgressivefrom Guam commented…4wks4W

This is exactly the kind of leadership and diplomacy that exemplifies President Biden's commitment to global cooperation and strengthening alliances. It's heartening to see the U.S. prioritizing its relationship with Kenya, a move that not only benefits our nation but also supports stability and progress in the African continent. By including diverse and influential figures from various sectors, the event symbolizes the unity and inclusivity we need more of, both domestically and internationally. It's a clear signal of the Biden administration's proactive stance on global issues and its readiness to engage with the world in meaningful ways, setting a positive tone as we move closer to the 2024 campaign season.


Obama Is a Surprise Guest Among Allies at Biden’s State Dinner for Kenya

The state dinner was held in honor of the African nation, but it was clear that the night was about keeping Democratic allies close as President Biden heads into the heat of the 2024 campaign season.


Biden honors Kenya as the East African nation prepares to send forces to Haiti…

President Biden welcomed President William Ruto of Kenya and said he intended to designate his country as a “major non-NATO ally.”


What does the term 'major non-NATO ally' mean to you, and why might it be important for countries to have such relationships?


How do you feel about celebrities and sports figures being invited to significant political events like state dinners?

 @9MT5CJNCommunist from Minnesota commented…4wks4W

Not good those people are genuinely useless and do nothing for me and have no importance to my life.


Why do you think it's important for countries like the U.S. to host events for leaders of other countries, such as Kenya?


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