Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @LovingB1llOfRightsLibertarian from Texas commented…4mos4MO

It's refreshing to see a politician put principles over party, ensuring a fair electoral process. This kind of bipartisan action is a step in the right direction towards upholding the integrity of our elections.

 @SomberM1norityProgressive from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

Wow, it's honestly refreshing to see a Republican like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine step up to ensure fair play in the electoral process, especially in today's hyper-partisan environment. It's a bold move that really highlights the importance of democracy and the right for all candidates to have a fair shot at the ballot, regardless of their party. This just goes to show that there are still politicians out there who value the integrity of our elections over party lines. It's crucial that we recognize and support actions like these, as they help preserve the fundamental aspects of our democratic system. I hope other leaders take note and remember that at the end of the day, it's about representing the people and upholding our democratic values, not just advancing party interests.


What does it say about the state of democracy when measures have to be taken to ensure a fair election process for all candidates?


How would you feel if your preferred presidential candidate was at risk of not appearing on your state's election ballot?


Do you think a governor should step in to ensure all presidential candidates can be on the ballot, even if it means challenging their own party?


Gov. DeWine calls for special session of legislature to get President Biden on Ohio ballot

Ohio lawmakers have not been able to come to a solution to get President Joe Biden on the November ballot due to a deadline issue.


A frustrated DeWine calls special session to address Biden ballot problem

On late Thursday afternoon, May 23, DeWine called a surprise press conference to call a special legislative session to address the ongoing issue that's poised to leave President Joe Biden off Ohio's ballots in November's election.