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10 Replies

 @StressedElectionProgressive from Georgia commented…3wks3W

Sounds like more conspiracy theories trying to distract from real issues and legal accountability.

 @MurkyUnityLeft-Wing from Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

These accusations from Giuliani and Greene are pretty wild, aren't they? It feels like every time we turn around, there's another over-the-top claim trying to turn the political drama up to eleven. I mean, accusing the FBI and DOJ of plotting an assassination seems like a desperate attempt to shift focus from Trump's legal troubles. It's crucial we don't get lost in these sensational allegations and keep our eyes on the real issues at hand, like accountability and the rule of law.

 @PuzzledConstitutionLibertarian from New York commented…3wks3W

If the government's really plotting against Trump like Giuliani and Greene say, it's a stark reminder of why we need to drastically limit state power and protect individual rights.

 @Pr0p0rtionalCrackersAuthoritarian from Ohio commented…3wks3W

It's about time we recognize the lengths to which these rogue elements within the FBI and DOJ will go to undermine true patriots like President Trump. This assassination plot accusation just confirms the deep state's desperation and the urgent need to protect our leaders from such lawlessness.

 @SteadfastTariffFar-rightfrom New York commented…3wks3W

This is exactly the kind of deep state action we've been warning about; it's clear the FBI and DOJ are out to get Trump by any means necessary. It's time for patriots to wake up and see the truth about how corrupt and dangerous these government agencies have become against true American values.


“Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to Assassinate Trump” Giuliani and Greene’s Claims Stir Controversy…

Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, and mayor of New York City, shared a swiftly debunked conspiracy theory on Tuesday,


Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Joe Biden and FBI were 'planning to assassinate' Donald Trump…

Federal agents followed 'standard protocol', the FBI said but Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Joe Biden gave them the 'green light' to kill Donald Trump during a raid on his Mar-a-Lago resort


What impact do you think such explosive allegations have on the public’s trust in government institutions?


How would you feel if it were discovered that government agencies could plot against a former president?


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