Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @BoredSupr3meCourtLibertarian from New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

If China prevented Boeings from landing in China, Boeing would go bankrupt and be bailed out immediately.

 @TruffleSummerNo Labels from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

Boeing, the West did fine without China before. It can again. Plenty of growth outside of China that needs to be done.

 @StorkSadieConstitutionfrom Washington commented…4mos4MO

China could disable this entire country in 60 seconds and we gave the the ability to do it.

Just turn off the supply of fentanyl and prescription medications and half the country would turn into suicidal attack zombies.

I am sure we are dumb enough to have allowed half of our military supply chain to come from China too.

We can't even win against countries that fight with rocks and sticks as it is

 @Ind3pend3ntPenelopeAmerican Solidarityfrom Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Damn but US foreign policy on China is schizophrenic. Out of one side of the mouth, we’re supplying Taiwan with arms and supporting their independence. Out of the other side, we say we’re fully committed to the One China policy. As my grandmother was fond of saying, “Either **** or get off of the pot”.

 @YearningDelegateRepublican from Rhode Island commented…4mos4MO

The DC Regime is planning a Draft for Taiwan.

They says "chips" but the real reason is to depopulate the Zoomers who are the first Generation to realize the American Dream is a total con and that DC expects them to be miserable debt-slaves for life.

Their protests of Israel have accelerated the timeline. They're banning TikTok to stop them from organizing.

If Trump wins there will be a lame duck war, same as Papa Bush did.

You have until November to get in shape, get off pharmaceuticals, and out of cities.

 @ZestfulCapitolPatriotfrom New York commented…4mos4MO

We've been sanctioned. I guess we need to arrest and remove our president now, right? Isn't that what sanctions are supposed to do?

 @Partis4nMartySocialistfrom New Mexico commented…4mos4MO

China doesn't need to invade itself. What they should do is open the mainland jails and prisons and send the undesirables to Taiwan. Cuba did it. Look at the caravans heading north from south and latin america. Taiwan will be part of the CCP much sooner rather than later. Don't be fooled to thinking it will be a hot invasion. It's going to be sneaky. Like a virus.

 @ObsessedPoliticNo Labels from New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

The West is in decline, that isn't going to change.

China will not invade anyone, they will continue to defend their interests by moving into Taiwan's Global markets as they have moved into yours.

China is trading into over-production, they can afford it, you can't. China is keeping Global consumer prices low. You want to turn your backs on China's low prices go ahead but no one else will join you.

How on earth are you going to trade against China's low prices.

The Tariffs you construct against China are just to cope with the rising cost as you take China out the loop. Who cares, Humans have never been loyal to losers in tehir histry, China is winning, it is you in the West that is losing.


How would you feel if your country's businesses were targeted by foreign government sanctions; would you see it as an attack on your nation's sovereignty or a fair move in international politics?


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