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5 Replies

 @9LFYMGSfrom Maine answered…5mos5MO

In this specific case, the parents knew he had access to a gun and should have checked his bag when they had a meeting in school hours before the shooting. This headline is misleading and provocative. The Crumbly's are responsible for their criminal actions and they knew it as they ran and hid from authorities after the shooting. They had also bought the gun for him. - A Michigan High School Student near Oxford, Michigan.

 @9LFZ98K from Georgia disagreed…5mos5MO

The issue of widely available firearms goes beyond the scope of the parents. In this case, the family did fail to properly ensure their child did not have a gun, but the fact that guns are so widely available and easy to purchase goes beyond the control of the parents. This is an issue that requires direct government restriction, not punishment for parents who may or may not be aware that their children have access to a firearm.

 @9LFY8NX from California answered…5mos5MO

I wonder why? unless they gave the shooter the gun illegally I dont see why

 @9LFYX7Lfrom Maine answered…5mos5MO

As parents do have duty of supervision over their children, they should be held responsible as well. This should create more awareness and show how important it is to properly raise a child and what happens when failing to do so, or using their children to comit certain crimes to keep themselves from a sentece.

 @9LFYBRTIndependent from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

they should not suffer for their child’s actions as the child are just mental


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