Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9KK98DJRepublican from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

We don't understand how good we have it here, we have the highest dollar per-capita here where even some of the poorer people have it better than most people in other countys. Also we have freedom of speech and press so we can say our minds without the fear of disaearing like in communist countrys. We have many comoditys like starbucks and some of the best colleges in the world, if you thought we have it really bad here try living in rual mexico where the cartells live and there is a feafr your dauther will disppare into the sex trade and possibly killed.

 @9KJ9FB9 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

anyone is capable of attain anything they want if they work hard enoiugh no matter where they come from

 @9KJ53Z9 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

No government is perfect. There are many very real problems in America that are heard about throughout the world. For example, Dobbs V. Jackson struck the United States and surrounding countries. The problems in our country are not kept secret.

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