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10 Replies

 @ElectoralAveryDemocrat from Wisconsin commented…7mos7MO

We don't have that much time left to fix Boeing.

 @SereneDolphinLibertarianfrom Missouri commented…7mos7MO

Boeing has been buying back so much of its stock that it now has a negative book value.

The first step is bankruptcy, then replace the entire executive management team with competent folks.

 @P0litic4lDomRepublicanfrom New Jersey commented…7mos7MO

" due to frequent accidents recently, Boeing will not send a commercial aircraft to the show this year."

 @J0intResolutionCharlieConstitution from Indiana commented…7mos7MO

Basically, it is a knock-off Airbus A320, because objectively, nobody would want to make a replica B737 Max.

 @Qu0rumMothNo Labels from Florida commented…7mos7MO

You know, the roman empire was able to defeat carthage in the first punic wars by just completely ripping out all their boats

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

The Roman Empire also had a massive military with enough funding and support to conquer the planet. That’s America, not China.

 @LovingRhinoNo Labels from Tennessee commented…7mos7MO

Self-developed? You mean the wings and fuselage only? Literally all the critical parts come from western companies. All of them.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

It deeply annoys me how this is what people chose to talk about on this website, rather than the issues on AMERICAN SOIL that actually matter...


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