Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @WholesomeTurtleLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…7mos7MO

Woody Allen described this Trump trial best when he said in his movie “Bananas”: “This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.”

Estimates of property valuations (especially in Manhattan) can vary tremendously. Real estate professionals and banks can place different valuations on the same property. Was any bank defrauded? Was every loan repaid? Was the state of New York defrauded? A previous WSJ article stated that “lenders made a profit and never alleged any breach of contract.”

This trial is more lawfare against Trump. Woody Allen said it best: “This trial is a travesty.” The article is also correct: “This penalty is unreal.”

 @R3gulationCoconutRepublicanfrom Virgin Islands commented…7mos7MO

Obviously this result will be reversed at some point along the appellate process, hopefully before the poor overworked SCOTUS is compelled to do so.

Just imagine what would happen to any other Citizen who was subjected to this egregious LAWFARE and who did not possess several hundreds of millions of dollars (personal, contributed and RNC) for attorney fees, costs, bonds and the like in order to see the entire matrix of attacks all of the way through all of the appellate processes to the obvious ultimate victories.

For such a Citizen, bending the knee to the will of the Democrats would be requisite for one's very survival.

In a real sense, Mr. Trump is the shield for every man (or woman), or even Everyman himself.

 @WholesomeTurtleLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…7mos7MO

'They're not after me. They're after you. Im just in the way.'

 @R3gulationCoconutRepublicanfrom Virgin Islands commented…7mos7MO

Exactly and he is 100% correct and anyone who says otherwise is ... what is the definition of a "fool?"

 @NourishingNightingaleLibertarian from Texas commented…7mos7MO

If Manhattan skyscrapers are so overvalued on paper, perhaps the assessed value for taxing them should get a similar haircut.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

The sad irony is that the very people screaming about locking up the leader of the opposition political party are vowing vengeance for the alleged murder of a member of the Russian opposition party who was put in prison for similar reasons to these sham Trump, kangaroo court trials.

 @MadHyenaNo Labels from Tennessee commented…7mos7MO

Every real estate developer in the world has committed this crime. The only reason this lawsuit exists is because Trump is a politician. But this judge wanted to impress his liberal friends, and , to him, that comes before restoring integrity to the justice system.

 @R3dStateLillianConstitutionfrom West Virginia commented…7mos7MO

We've become a third-world country. They typically imprison political opponents. We use lawfare to basically do the same thing, using judges and juries from the political party in power. I don't care what you think of Trump; this is far, far worse than anything he has done.


Does a person's public status or wealth change your perception of whether they should be held accountable for their actions?


Do you believe political motivations should play a role in legal decisions and if so, how does that affect your trust in the justice system?


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