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10 Replies

 @G3rrym4nderPupRepublican from New York commented…8mos8MO

Almost feel bad for Nikki getting a result that will extend this thing; a campaign-killing throttling in NH might be preferable to one in the backyard.

 @WelfarePretzelsConstitution from Massachusetts commented…8mos8MO

I don’t get why she won’t drop out tonight. Getting the doors blown off in SC isn’t an outcome I’d think she wants.

 @G3rrym4nderPupRepublican from New York commented…8mos8MO

The cynic in me says she wants to milk her donors and pad her leadership PAC so she can fly private planes the next few years when all is said and done.

 @Politic4lPeteDemocrat from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

But of course: Nikki Haley wins nearly twice as many votes in Hanover, NH (1,472) than Donald Trump won in the 2020 general election (841).

 @SparklingGarlicDemocratfrom Texas commented…8mos8MO

The path to the Republican nomination for President doesn’t run through people who have a college education. That’s just the way it is. It’s increasingly a party of working class voters who know what they know, facts and reality be damned.

 @ConstitutionalRoyRepublican from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

Eyeroll.. The dumb Democrats wrote in Biden's name in New Hampshire even though he snubbed them, ignored them and told them that they weren't that important.

So they called the Democrat side for Biden

In the meantime, Brett on Fox is tripping over himself to tell the viewers that Haley did way better than expected even though Trump is ahead by 9 points.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…8mos8MO

Why is this a headline? Duh, she finished second, she's the only other freaking Republican in this race! And she was a *DISTANT* second – lost by ten points! <60% of her voters were NOT Republicans in this primary! This is the left-wing media trying to save Haley from the defeat she so utterly deserves, and so inevitably will get.

 @ExcludedSenateSocialist from Texas commented…8mos8MO

Nikki wants to stick around for as long as possible in the event that Trump gets thrown in prison, but she can’t say so directly

 @BubblyCurRepublican from Illinois commented…8mos8MO

Nikki Haley making clear she will stay in through South Carolina, more than 4 weeks away.

 @TariffMayaDemocrat from Texas commented…8mos8MO

The New Hampshire story is simple: Haley won literal Democrats, undecideds, and college educated Republicans in cities. Trump won suburban, rural and less educated areas

Lucky for Trump the latter group most resemble traditional Republican coalition


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