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5 Replies

 @9J6HLCM from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

It would make everything worse, the more the government increases minimum wage, the more the cost for everything increases, therefore changing nothinh

 @9J8YB7P from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I do agree that a significant wage increase would lead to an overall increase in pricing, especially in times of inflation. However, we must discover some sort of strategy in racing wages while preventing increased pricing if that's possible- im not sure it is though since spending has to go up naturally as people make more money and then so does price.

 @9J8XB3Jfrom Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

The government should increase it with the inflation rate but should not decrease it again if inflation goes down.

 @9J6HVWT from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

 @9J6HJSFRepublican  from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

it would just make their be less jobs because it will be more expensive for Company's to keep workers so then they will either increase price of what they sell or get ride of employees.