Try the political quiz

5 Replies


A society that prioritizes mental health over economic productivity would be one that values the well-being of its citizens over the accumulation of wealth. Such a society would prioritize the mental health of its citizens by providing access to affordable mental health care, promoting mental health awareness, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness.


A society that prioritizes mental health over other things will invest heavily on mental health issues, in their services, and medications. Sounds good as long as there is a balance.

 @9HVCK22 from Minnesota answered…9mos9MO

 @9HVCKHV from Georgia answered…9mos9MO

 @9HVDFMJ from New York answered…9mos9MO

A society that prioritizes mental health over economic productivity would prioritize the overall well-being and mental well-being of its citizens. Accessible mental health services: There would be easily accessible and affordable mental health services available to all members of society. This may include counseling, therapy, support groups, and other resources.Education and awareness: Society would actively promote mental health education and awareness from an early age. Schools, workplaces, and communities would provide resources and information about mental health, destigmatizing it and…  Read more