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8 Replies

 @9HHYSSD from Connecticut commented…10mos10MO

The US needs to recognize Palestine as a state, end our aid and support to Israel, and boycott Israeli economic activities to end apartheid

 @9HHYFQL from California commented…10mos10MO

 @9HHXF9F from Alabama commented…10mos10MO

Israel is committing genocide, we need to push for a ceasefire immediately.

 @9HHXDV7 from Maryland commented…10mos10MO

The current war in Gaza right now is a genocide of the Palestinians. Yes, some Palestinians did strike first at Israel, however Israel is committing dozens of war crimes against the Palestinians who have done nothing wrong, and are forcefully uprooting families from their homes.

 @9HHWS3R from California commented…10mos10MO

gender neutra toys is a nice feature to have in stores, the indicted on tax charges news is important, But news about the gaza war needs to be sent out to the people, and hearing about a cut off is important

 @9HHVFVR from Idaho commented…10mos10MO

Throughout the slow and agonizing outcome of genocide in Palestine I have become educated on the topic from trusted adults and influencers personally affected by this event. I have learned and witnessed the president and our government turn their back on civility and proceed to fund resources and information to the Israeli government. Its hard to live at any peace knowing there is nothing I can do and nothing our government will do for anyone UNLESS it is one of our own American citizens. Yes, this topic is extremely complex and runs deep through history, but millions of citizens are innocent and did not choose to be interlaced with terrorist organizations, AND war crime inflicting systems of governments. What is happening, is horrific and we're doing the bare minimum.

 @9HHTS59Republican from Missouri commented…10mos10MO


Should the U.S. use its influence to intervene in foreign conflicts like the one in Gaza, or stay out of them?


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