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I do not think this is right at all. All people are created equal, therefore should be treated equal.

 @9HBNFPR from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

All people were born equally, there are only two genders. Men were born as men, and women were born as women.

 @9H7S692Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…8mos8MO

all people are created equally. men are born as men and women are born as women .you cannot change your gender.

 @9H7SY6VRepublican from Arizona commented…8mos8MO

also most jobs are avaliable to men and women also some jobs like a plumber get payed more than certain jobs that women would prefer also i think you should get payed on how well you get the job done.

 @9HBJXVL from Texas answered…8mos8MO

The purpose of the Feminist movement was to secure equal rights for everyone, not specifically downgrading the male gender. The anti-feminism does not protect men's rights from being overshadowed since their rights were not sacrificed to begin with.

 @9H844KX from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

I believe that everyone should just be treated equality. End of converstation.

 @9H9X2VZ from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

I think feminism is unneeded now and anti-feminism is the wrong way to go about things as well. Equality starts with stopping seperation.


The purpose of the Feminist movement was to secure equal rights for everyone, not specifically downgrading the male gender. The anti-feminism does not protect men's rights from being overshadowed since their rights were not sacrificed to begin with.

 @9H7W2XZ from California answered…8mos8MO

Feminism isn't the fight for women to have more rights than men-- it's a fight for EQUAL rights. Anti-feminism misinterprets the ideas of feminism

 @9H9XYGF from Washington answered…8mos8MO

the only justification for Anti-feminism is for feminist extremists. Extremists of feminism give feminism a toxic image and should not be supported. Extremists give anti-feminism a reason to exist, and also make anti-feminism a toxic image. Extremists for either side just create a toxic conflict that does not develop anything

 @9HBV7ZF from Washington answered…8mos8MO

 @9H7Q257 from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

I feel like everyone was equal , but some people or gender can do things way better then the other.

 @9H7TZCKRepublican from Utah answered…8mos8MO

I don't believe that anti-feminism protects rights, and is more pointless than anything. Feminism exists to prove a point, not to support women who feel suppressed. Sure, men dominate many parts of the world, but women are not opposed to scaling up the hierarchy either. Instead, women and men should be given equal opportunities in business and finances.

 @9HBNYRJIndependent from Florida answered…8mos8MO

I don't think men's rights are entirely threatened by feminism. I think feminism is an inaccurate method of giving women equality with men.

 @9HBPLKVSocialist from Texas commented…8mos8MO

Wrong. Feminism does not mean women should be more than men, it means they should be granted equal rights.

 @9HBW6R8Peace and Freedomanswered…8mos8MO

I think its not overshadowed. I think Men and Women should have equal rights. For getting paid in the same jobs. People should be treated equally.

 @9HBQHC7 from Florida answered…8mos8MO

I think people often fundamentally misunderstand what feminism is. It is not about elevating women above men, it is about equality. Men are harmed by the patriarchy as much as women are. Feminism is just the belief that all genders should be equal, simple as that.

 @9HBKXQS from Louisiana answered…8mos8MO

I think that since Feminism stands for equal rights for all, not just more women's rights, that it is stupid for anti-feminists to say that what they're doing is fair if they are anti-equal rights.

 @9H7FJFMIndependentfrom Northern Mariana Islands answered…8mos8MO

I support complete equality of everyone. I think that some Feminists can go too far and become openly hostile to men in general, which is above all else just rude and unhelpful, but there are tons of people who despise women and any movement towards the equality of women, which is also rude and unhelpful. Ultimately, I think gender equality should be on a case by case basis, and everyone should receive equitable access to services and things of that nature.

 @9HBQRPJ from Mississippi answered…8mos8MO

The both movements are currently dumb with both groups just wanting to be mad at the other and asking for too much.

 @9H8SDZW from New York answered…8mos8MO

My stance on what's stated above is that it is not correct. Feminism is not made to overshadow men, but to give women more equal rights and opportunities

 @9HBQDT6 from Utah answered…8mos8MO

It does not, because feminism does not hurt men rights. As a man, woman fighting to get equal rights as me and others does not bring down my own rights. I just want people to be treated equally, not the same, everyone has different needs and specifications they need met, but equally.

 @9HBL98X from Utah answered…8mos8MO

I think feminism is unneeded now and anti-feminism is the wrong way to go about things as well. Equality starts with stopping separation.


Men's rights are not inherently threatened by feminism, and feminisms goals of reaching gender equality are still not there. There are some forms of radical feminism that could be seen as threatening, but feminism as a whole is about gender equality and equal rights for women, which is still necessary because women are still not considered equal to men in many ways.

 @9HBWBKF from Tennessee answered…8mos8MO

Everyone was created equally, therefore, everyone deserves the same rights.

 @9HBB9PS from Utah answered…8mos8MO

I beleive that men and women shouldnt be treated worse or less than the other but i also beleive that men and women have different roles in society and are different.

 @9H7TYNQIndependent from California answered…8mos8MO

I think that the idea anti-feminism and feminism in the modern day is a bit too much for the people to be fighting over with. I feel like the men and the women have equal rights at this point so any of these groups are just not satisfied with what they got and wants more, they just uses these big words as covers. I personally just do not see the point of these online argument or articles about these groups.

 @9HBKLS9 from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

There should be no "anti-feminism", there sound be no "anti" anything, men and women should be treated equally with the same rights because they're all human.


Men's rights are not inherently threatened by feminism, and feminisms goals of reaching gender equality are still not there. There are some forms of radical feminism that could be seen as threatening, but feminism as a whole is about gender equality and equal rights for women, which is still necessary because women are still not considered equal to men in many ways.

 @9H7XFQ8 from Nebraska answered…8mos8MO

The original purpose of the "Feminist" movement was to give equal rights to all. However, it's recently been going over board and now it's more of a "women are better then men" movement. The "Anti-Feminist" movement does promote men's rights. Men don't deserve to lose rights just because women want to gain equal rights. The "Anti-Feminist" movement ensures men's rights remain.

 @9HBLKRJ from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

I believe that men have so much in this world that it is already hard enough to be a woman and anti-feminism isn't helping anything.

 @9H8P483 from Minnesota answered…8mos8MO

I don't care who is who but what I do care is if there is a middle ground then find it, we don't have time to fight among ourselves and cause another civil war

 @9H85NF9 from Arkansas answered…8mos8MO

People shouldn't believe that anyone is better than anyone. Equality would mean equal rights, but there is no reason to believe that men are better than women, and vice-versa.

 @9HB4VPRRepublican from Texas answered…8mos8MO

It shouldn’t be anti feminism but men’s right should be protected just as much as women’s are

 @9H8NPL9 from Florida answered…8mos8MO

It may, however as long as there is no hate being spread feminism and anti-feminism in my mind is a lawful practice and should be protected.

 @9H7KMHJIndependent from Massachusetts answered…8mos8MO

Feminism does not overshadow men's rights. With anti- feminism, women's rights would continue to be overlooked, just the same as they are right now.

 @9HBK9M6Democrat from South Carolina answered…8mos8MO

I am all for men’s rights to be truly equal with women’s rights, and not be overshadowed by women’s rights.

 @9H9STJ8Republican from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

I think that both genders should be equal and men shouldn’t be scared of feminism over running them.

 @9HBXJB7 from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBQY7R from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

I somewhat agree with it, the feminist movement has gone too far and does not want equality. I believe everyone should have equal rights, men have feelings too.

 @9H9YG4V from California answered…8mos8MO

No I think that claim is appalling. Feminism REAL feminism is advocating for equal rights between men and women. It is meant to uplift both.

 @9H9XK8L from Colorado answered…8mos8MO

I could care less if men's rights are overshadowed by feminism because they should do what they need to do to feel equel and at the end of the day our rights arent being taken

 @9H88WFG from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

This is not true because all people, either a man or a women should have equal rights and opportunity. I think that these feminist and misogynist programs need to be abolished.

 @9H98L8N from Delaware answered…8mos8MO

Personally, I think that Feminism is not overshadowing men´s rights. Men already have more rights and opportunities than women in many forms, so it isn´t possible to fully overshadow the man.

 @9H953RM from Texas answered…8mos8MO

 @9H8CDMS from New Mexico answered…8mos8MO

Feminism is fighting for equal rights, as we want all genders to be able to access and have the same rights as everyone else.

 @9HB3F7BSocialist from Texas answered…8mos8MO

Unless there are laws in place to protect women there will always be a statistical disadvantage for them in society. Feminism also is meant to protect men from the harmful views of the patriarchy.

 @9HB5VRZ from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

I don't think anti-feminism or feminism should be a thing. All men and women should have equal rights.

 @9HBQ4B3 from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

 @9H8C8FW from Idaho answered…8mos8MO

If men hadn't let feminism slowly die in the first place, then they wouldn't feel "violated or disgusted and angry" about how it has come so far now. Men and Women are equal and shouldn't have to prove to one another who is the bigger sex


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