Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Making a certain weapons illegal as well as creating more limitations on the purchasing on firearms will make it increasingly more difficult to purchase the weapon. There is also the issue that if the weapon is illegal then their friend, parents, whoever is much less likely to leave it lying around for someone to take and use in an illegal way.

 @9G3RHBR from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Lots more restrictions will reduce the number of school shootings and robberies and shootings in general.

 @9KNGK9P from Utah commented…2mos2MO

They will be used in self defense. If I lay my gun in the street it wont kill anyone its the people using the gun

 @9G3RZPP from New York agreed…7mos7MO

They are not going to worry because a 22 lr can do the same damage compared to a 9mm or a 45. They are going to obtain the suspect how ever they can if its going to save lifes.

 @9G3PN97 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

either way they should approach the situtaion legally, with laws and if they can just break them why have.

 @9G3Q4T4 from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

But why would we make it easier for them to be obtained by doing nothing to stop it in the first place?


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