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301 Replies


Can you imagine a scenario where sacrificing some democratic principles could lead to a greater good?

 @9JNZ8Z2 from Florida answered…8mos8MO

yes, i believe if we all want to be happy some may have to suffer a bit, but as long as its equal its okay.

 @9JP2VYF from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

I cannot imagine a time where we'd need to sacrifice democracy, what our country stands on for the greater good. If we turn away from some of democracies principles, then we are turning away from all, and that is not what our country is built on.

 @9JP2C67 from Washington answered…8mos8MO

 @9JNZ6P3 from Indiana answered…8mos8MO


Under what circumstances, if any, would you not speak out against something you believe is wrong?

 @9JP4G45 from Virginia answered…8mos8MO

 @9JP4DNG from California answered…8mos8MO

I'd only not speak out if it will personally harm me in a really severe way.

 @9JP4F6H from Kansas answered…8mos8MO

I would only not speak out if it was necessary for the complete betterment of the United States and the consequences of speaking out out weigh that of remaining silent.


In what ways do you think government intervention in the economy should be balanced with free-market principles?

 @9LDQ8Y8 from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I do not care as long as the material conditions of as many people as possible are protected or bolstered.

 @9LF2MVX from New York agreed…6mos6MO

The role of the gov is to protect the community. As long as the economy is stable, I don't think it is that necessary for the gov to intervene anymore

 @9LDQDHJ from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I think the government should be the protector or defender of the economy, but let the economy be open and free.

 @9LFCLS5Republicanfrom Guam agreed…6mos6MO

I think that we the government has the biggest say in helping out environment and making people aware, but we all deserve the rights to do things for ourselves.

 @9LDQ6SG from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO


How do you feel when you think of one person having control over many—is it reassuring or unsettling?

 @9KG5FCN from California answered…8mos8MO

This paper's central concern is with signs of fascism in recent political developments in a number of European countries and the United States.

 @9KG5M7R from Colorado answered…8mos8MO

I can see it both ways but overall feel like we need people to know whats going on in our country and having specific people who are educated on these topics are important.

 @9KJQ9NF from Colorado answered…7mos7MO

Trump Is a big concern for me when I think about"Fascism" just because he does abuse his power and it's very unsettling.


What personal experiences inform your view on the role of authority in maintaining social order?

 @9KND85S from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

I just think everyone should respect everyone else no matter their race, gender, age, or disability


i think everyone should respect each other is so this world would be a better place.

 @9KNDLNG from Texas answered…7mos7MO


Is there ever a time when the suppression of opposition is necessary for a country's survival?

 @9HK3WGT from Michigan answered…10mos10MO

No surpression should be allowed, but its only necessary if a group is actively promoting genocide against a group due to religion, race or ethnicity.

 @9HK3V8H from Michigan answered…10mos10MO

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

Barring times of war, suppression of opposition is not necessary. Maintaining a regime is secondary to maintaining the order of the people. If certain opposition poses a grave threat to societal order to the point in which it may have serious consequences for the safety of the citizens, allowing it to fester to neglect the wellbeing of the people. In addition to this, opposition which dehumanizes others and justifies itself through populist support must be suppressed with utmost force. We have repeatedly seen what occurs when dehumanizing populists take power, genocide. If opposition is well ordered towards change which remains consistent with what is true and righteous, suppressing it to maintain the regime's power is missing the point of how and why a government should exist in the first place.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…9mos9MO


What lessons from past or current events shape your view on the role of power and authority in governing?

 @9RNPYL4 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

US propaganda is so good that we don't even know about it, but other countries sure do

 @9RNPQFF from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

Real fascism has always come from the government. Not the people. Allowing oneself to be misled into thinking their neighbors are the problem instead of the government is the single most vile and ingenious thing the government has ever accomplished.

 @9RNQBBZ from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

The absolute accuracy of Trump( and his minions) following hitler’s, McCarthy’s and Nixon’s playbook

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

Don't let British or French do it. Don't let atheists do it. Don't let Germans do it. Don't let protestants do it. Desecularize. Give the Church moral authority.


How do you feel about the role of government in maintaining order versus respecting individual freedoms?

 @9HK43Y4 from Wisconsin answered…10mos10MO

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

The primary order a government is called for is to allow one to worship God, if it infringes on one's freedom to do so, it is a disordered government and should be dismantled. The secondary order is maintaining life, if the government cannot do such a thing, it should be dismantled or otherwise tweaked to serve that function so far as the primary order is respected. The function of the state to protect life also applies to eternal life, so it should be within the government's function to enforce the eternal law since following this law is naturally the highest order one can possible…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…9mos9MO

Order does not get to come before one’s freedoms, though lives might, order is a much more arbitrary word.


Which do you value more in a leader: the ability to unite people under a common cause or to encourage diverse ideas?

 @9HVMNMR from Georgia answered…9mos9MO

The ability to encourage diverse ideas, simply because forcing people to all adhere to one idea point has never quite worked.

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

If the ideas relate only to solutions to material problems, diversity is good since it allows a versatile response to various issues. There are some ideas that should not have diversity and naturally contradict what is true and good, therefore a leader should not encourage all ideas. A clear example of this are heretics, their ideas do nothing but Jeopardize the soul of themselves and others. Thought and discourse in of themselves should not be discouraged, since that would stifle an intellectual tradition which is necessary for growth and success, however the truth should not be contradicted.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…9mos9MO

To encourage diverse ideas. I have no problem with their individual ideas being their own, but I do believe that others have merit, or at the very least, that ideas in the area of their agreement should be expounded upon.


What considerations would you take into account when deciding whether to support a strong authoritarian regime?

 @9J5XQRR from California answered…9mos9MO

 @9J5Y6G9 from California answered…9mos9MO

I would have to become more educated regarding Fascism and the impact it has on our government and citizens.

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

Would their rule make society more charitable, protect the unprotected, and willing to pursue holiness? If no, take a hike.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

There are no considerations, I refuse to support something like that.


Do you believe there are situations where a centralized authoritarian government might be necessary or beneficial?

 @9H65CXQfrom Maine answered…11mos11MO

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

Absolutely, only if the authority is of greater moral and intellectual character than the populace at large. An authoritarian leader must be exceptional.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Really just during a wartime, or in self-defense, but I still strongly stand against it.


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