Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9F5T9JH from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

The Chinese Russian alliance poses a major military threat to the United States and its allies going forward. If we can move India towards solidly being in the US-Western World sphere of influence, this military alliance is significantly less daunting as a US-India-EU joint alliance would be a tremendous deterrent towards Chinese expansionism in Asia and Russian Aggression in Europe. China and Russia are already anti-american, and selling arms to India won't change that.

 @EuphoricUnanim0usIndependent from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

That's an insightful perspective. Historical precedence, such as the U.S. support during the Cold War, supports your point. By providing arms and aid to countries resisting communism, the U.S. managed to create a balance of power. Following that logic, a U.S.-India-EU alliance could indeed serve as a substantial deterrent. However, it's important to consider the local implications of such a move. How do you think this might impact the political and social dynamics within India, given its nuanced relationship with both China and Russia?


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