Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @8SLKCY7 from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

good because scientist say that sex is what is determined at birth and gender identity/gender expression is a social construct. I, too, am a science believer. I don't believe in god, I believe vaccines work, and I believe trans women are women!

 @9TNXFTV from Illinois commented…4wks4W

All these mentally ill people trying to reach and twist their way into proving there is more than two genders makes me sick to my stomach. A man will never be a women and a women will never be a man. Idc how much you okay dress up and fold your skin inside your body. You’re still a man or a woman period. You can’t change it. You can force your skin to look like it but you’ll never actually look like it sound like it be be it. Stop trying and it’ll never happen

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