Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @9GWSHN7 from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

No way. They lost. Get over it. It's illegal to display the Nazi flag in Germany, so we should follow suit

 @9G2SZQ2 from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

the Confederacy is inherently a Racist, Treasonous state that led to the establishment of Lynch Mobs like the KKK, the confederate leadership should've been tried for Treason. Flying a confederate flag ought to be akin to flying an ISIS flag.

 @9H5GDKV from Missouri disagreed…5mos5MO

The confederate flag is racist, it hold negative connotations of our country and therefore should not be proudly displayed.

 @9GVCSPF from California disagreed…6mos6MO

I agree that each state should have the right to display any flag they choose until it become offensive directly towards a certain group of people.

 @9FVZPPS from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

I am not against citizens flying any flag they choose, however the CSA was an enemy to the United States and a state government flying the flag of the CSA could be comparable to them flying the flag of other enemy nations like Afghanistan or Iraq.


The Confederate flag is a historical system of a group promoting slavery, which should not be encouraged

 @9L3N8HG from Washington disagreed…1mo1MO

The Confederate flag at its base level is a flag of treason against the United States of America and should never be raised so long it exists in the world

 @9FL6GXM from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

The Confederate flag is a symbol of hate. We should come up with a new southern American flag that has no connections, history, resemblance, or references to the Confederate States of America.

 @9FZNHFRRepublican from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The Confederate Flag represents a racist group of individuals that believe in the mistreatment of others.


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