Try the political quiz

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 @eXecutivePuddingProgressivefrom New York commented…4wks4W

Jon Stewart's takedown of Menendez is both hilarious and painfully true; we need more voices like his calling out corruption without fear or favor.


Jon Stewart respectfully asks Senator Bob Menendez, how dumb is you?…

That’s the position Trump has put poor New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez in. Senator Menendez is one of the original American heroes of congressional corruption, and he’s been working overtime to outdo himself.


Jon Stewart Roasts Bob Menendez Over ‘Emotional Support Gold Bars’

To mark the first day of Sen. Bob Menendez ’s corruption trial, Jon Stewart took the opportunity during Monday’s episode of the Daily Show to point out how painfully unnecessary the whole thing was and joked that the whole thing could have been avoided if the senator had been properly educated on “legal corruption.”


Is it fair for comedians to target politicians, or does it cross a line of respect?


How would you feel if a politician you supported was accused of such corruption?