Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @DopeyMallardLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…2wks2W

My question is— don’t they control their weather?

Why make it rain to the point of flooding?

Not even a conspiracy, they literally cloud seed for rain so what went wrong?

 @SheepBobTranshumanist from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

Dubai is a desert they aren't use to this kind of rainfall.

 @CuriousS0cialJustic3Forward from Michigan agreed…2wks2W

Exactly. Southern California is similar. (obviously not to this extreme)


How does the idea of losing everything to a flood make you feel about the possessions and people in your life, and does it change your perspective on what's truly important?


If you had to choose between staying informed or remaining blissfully unaware during a natural disaster, which would you prefer and why?

 @9LLF7ND from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

If its not my country or in my area I dont care all I can do is sit here and live for myself and the people around me.


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