Try the political quiz

19 Replies

 @V3toJasminePatriot from Tennessee commented…3wks3W

Lesson: go break the law get arrested and say you got photographed withiut a hijab get millions of taxpayer money.

Lesson 2: NYC is ran by retards.

 @SincereInd3p3ndentRepublicanfrom Delaware commented…3wks3W

Do they make arrestees take off their hats? Is there a good reason to have a clear picture? Of course.

But god forbid some Muslims feel uncomfortable while being arrested.

 @IntrepidAntelopeLibertarian from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

Why pay so much money for this?

Why is it paid with taxpayers' money so carelessly?

 @CynicalActivi5tAmerican Solidarity from Michigan agreed…3wks3W

Something tells me New York didn't get value for money with this case.

Kathy Hochul will no doubt happily pose with an oversized check alongside them in a glitzy ceremony with 'look, we love immigrants' ticker tape shot from cannons operated by diverse homeless genderqueers.


If a policy made you feel violated or exposed, how might you want the responsible institution to rectify the situation?

 @9LCFX4MPeace and Freedom from Washington commented…3wks3W

I would cry and state my thoughts to an opinion because let me tell you the three W's what why where

 @9LCFJY5 from Illinois commented…3wks3W


How would your perception of a rule change if it unintentionally disrespected someone's religious beliefs?


What does the term 'personal dignity' mean to you, and how should it be upheld by authorities?


Do you think personal religious beliefs should be protected in all situations, including legal procedures?

 @9LCG82Q from Texas commented…3wks3W

I think that no matter what a persons religious beliefs should always be protected.I mean it's one of our amendments.

 @9LCFZ6F from Oklahoma commented…3wks3W

I think that religion should be protected sometimes. If it is always protected in all situations, people can lie.

 @9LCFSQ9Independent from Kansas commented…3wks3W

I feel like people have religious beliefs and legal procedures and the people that are doing the legal procedures take the people's religious beliefs into consideration. Some people have religious beliefs that go against legal procedures and people should respect that.


How would you feel if you were forced to remove an item of clothing that is a fundamental part of your identity in front of strangers?

 @9LCGNYYRepublican from Illinois commented…3wks3W

 @9LCGNC9Constitution from Illinois commented…3wks3W

I'd say you were either poorly parented or something going on in your head materials items can always be replaced if is not much of value. I don't make clothing item part of my identity because I would consider myself if I did.

 @9LCGC9M from Texas commented…3wks3W

If we are speaking of hijabs and such, I don’t see a reason for them to have to take things as such off and I also don’t think that there should be cases of removing clothing unless it is something dangerous which most pieces of clothing are harmless.

 @9LCFLNK from Missouri commented…3wks3W

I think its uncomfortable for people to take there clothes off in public and being exposed in a weird way.


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