Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @ExuberantBasmatiConstitution from Kansas commented…4mos4MO

I think Rocket Man would have have reconsidered this had 45 been in the Oval right now!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

 @NominationZebraDemocrat from California commented…4mos4MO

Nah. This situation is dicey. It calls for the big guns.

Time to tap Ambassador Rodman from deep off the bench.

 @P0llingPlaceAlexRepublican from New York commented…4mos4MO

I’m surprised any NORK shells actually worked.

 @UrchinZachRepublican from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

Not really. Actually it is New Year fireworks. The South is just paranoid that's all

 @SolidPumaDemocrat from Texas commented…4mos4MO

I hope the south doesn’t rely too much on the United States. They’re pretty tied up right now between Ukraine, and Iran and Hamas and Gaza, United States is pretty tapped out.

 @EuphoricC0nservat1veRepublicanfrom Iowa commented…4mos4MO

USFK & ROK are well trained fighting force!! NK forces are starved, sickly and in my opinion- will surrender for a hot meal, hot shower with real soap, clean clothes and sleep.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

And this just makes me want to stay out of foreign affairs more than ever...

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

That might be the exact reason we shouldn’t. If that gets real, South Korea could die when we could’ve helped.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Are you ready to send your sons and daughters to bleed and die defending a foreign nation?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I’m in the generation that would be forced to. I know the risks, I know it’s horrible, but how many more will suffer if we don’t help?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Mankind has always been waging wars with one another, because their nature is inherently black, depraved, and selfish. No matter how many hundreds upon hundreds of billion we send out there, it's in vain if we try to change the fundamentals of human nature, if we deceive ourselves by believing we have the power to end war. There will always be war. The only logical thing to do is to get involved in it as little as possible and to isolate ourselves from it so it does not harm us and our families.


How do you think the global community should react when one country performs aggressive military actions near another country's borders?


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