Try the political quiz

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Should the Catholic Church still have a say in political matters, like laws about marriage and education?

 @9HFK76D from South Dakota answered…10mos10MO

 @9HFHLXK from Arkansas answered…10mos10MO

No, if we want to keep the church and state separate, we should not give them a say.

 @9HFJJ3PDemocrat from New York answered…10mos10MO

No. The Catholic church can have a say in the church. Religion and politics should not intertwine.

 @9HFGPR2 from Georgia answered…10mos10MO


How do personal convictions play into your decisions about friendship, work, and community involvement?

 @9L629JK from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

 @9L626XS from Texas answered…6mos6MO

it doesn't, people do and believe what they want to. So it doesn't affect me in any way shape or form

 @9L628K3 from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

Catholics have their own beilefs and they deserve to be allowed to follow them

 @9L624TF from New York answered…6mos6MO

You have to know the right people to trust to avoid those bad action that we may cause.


How would embracing principles like 'service to others' change the fabric of society in your view?

 @9KZ7C7F  from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Society would be better if everyone was kinder to each other. Service is kindness, so the world would be better.

 @9KZCS9Z from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

It would increase positive manners, deeds, and overall programs in the United States. Offering services or just simply trying to make someone's day is something we should not have to think about doing. However, if 'service to others' refers to the term of missionaries and spreading Christianity, I personally would not support of that, again personally. One should respect anothers religion and should not be forced to switch from external sources.

 @9KZCPK6Constitution from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

People should be more willing to help people in need and offer programs to help them.

 @9KZCQJ2  from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO


Do you believe that individuals without any spiritual beliefs can lead a life as fulfilled as those with them?

 @9HT59MM  from Massachusetts answered…9mos9MO

I feel that individuals without any spiritual beliefs wont live an as fulfilled life as those with them. being spiritually in tune with life sets you goals and paths to take to live greatest life you can. It guides you in your journey of life and experiences and I feel that it creates more meaning to life with spiritual beliefs. If in the end your beliefs turned out to not be true, you still lived a wonderful life and felt spiritual and meaning throughout your life. rather if you aren't, you live for yourself in the world. the likely hood of being lost in life and unmotivated is higher, I believe.

 @9HT5CDY from Utah answered…9mos9MO

Yes, whatever way that make or will make yourself succesfull in the future.


In what ways do you believe that practicing kindness can lead to personal growth?

 @9HN35YW from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

It can make you a better person and you can realize that you have good inside of you, which can lead to more inner growth and realization of the good things you have to offer.

 @9HN5Q62Peace and Freedom from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

You learn that instead of hating someone and lashing out at them, it's better to let it go than to get in trouble and regret what you did.

 @9HN3DCQ from Virginia answered…9mos9MO

Kindness can help increase happiness and self-esteem and make people feel supportive about themselves.


Do you think it is fair for Catholic beliefs to influence healthcare decisions, such as reproductive rights and end-of-life care?

 @9H52VZQ from Massachusetts answered…10mos10MO

not at all. in a personal aspect I do believe that people can have their religion their own beliefs but when it comes to the interests of others, relgion shouldn't play a part

 @9H534HZ from Illinois answered…10mos10MO

 @9H538R9Independence from Arizona answered…10mos10MO

The Catholic Church, as an institution, has a long history of political involvement, dating back to the Roman Empire when it was officially recognized as a state religion. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Church held significant political power, often rivaling or surpassing that of secular rulers. The Pope, as the head of the Church, was a major political figure, and the Church's teachings and laws had a profound impact on the governance of many European countries.


What does the idea of having a purpose in life mean to you personally?

 @9HN473ZPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…9mos9MO

It defines you even if it's a small thing it could build up and have a positive or a negative affect.

 @9HN3TK8 from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

I think it is a very strong idea to have when it comes to a decrease in purpose and mental health in the United States and all around our country. Having a reason to be morally just to others and yourself is good for the interests of humanity as a whole.


Can you imagine a world without any sort of spiritual practices, and how would it differ from today's society?

 @9HN4V69Democrat from Washington answered…9mos9MO

A world without spiritual practices is a world without faith. Religion helps people find peace.

 @9HN4Q85 from Minnesota answered…9mos9MO

Yes, people shouldn't be pushing their beliefs onto everyone else, and the get mad when others do the same to them. I think it would make everyone a little nicer


What are your thoughts on prayer or meditation as methods for finding peace in times of stress?

 @9HN63R3Libertarian answered…9mos9MO

People are free to practice whatever religion they want as long as it does not affect those around them.

 @9HN6DRQ from Wisconsin answered…9mos9MO

Do whatever you want, don't force your beliefs on other people through policy or social pressure though.

 @9HN65HC from Texas answered…9mos9MO


How do you think your life choices and beliefs affect the way others perceive or relate to you?

 @9HN4W2T from California answered…9mos9MO

I think that it affects you because you're putting some sort of judgment into other's minds where they form a type of way where they can perceive you and where they can understand you.

 @9HN4RT5 from Texas answered…9mos9MO


Can you share an experience where helping others led you to a deeper understanding of your own beliefs or values?

 @9HN536T from California answered…9mos9MO

An example of this was when I was trying to help someone with problems that they were dealing with, and it made me realize some of the things that I value most.

 @9HN4YT3Independent from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

I worked with someone who was Muslim and he was just a great guy and told me about his religion.


Would you feel comfortable living in a country where Catholicism dictates every aspect of daily life?

 @9HDPGYY from Kansas answered…10mos10MO

I do love Catholicism but I feel like it would be hard in a contrary where that is your daily life because i know they have very strict rules


Yes, I think It would allow our country to become stronger and more God giving people. After all God Bless America.


Have you ever been inspired by someone else's act of charity or compassion?

 @9HZRMFTConstitution from Idaho answered…8mos8MO

The publicized charity of others seeking for attention has never inspired me. However, I have always found profound, selfless, acts of service to suffering individuals very inspirational.


How does the idea of a global community influence your actions and interactions with others?

 @9HZQTYR from California answered…8mos8MO

I believe that all humans should be treated the same regardless of their race, gender, and belief and we should investigate all organizations etc. as long as we had evidence to launch them.

 @9HZQ6VP from Washington answered…8mos8MO

it makes me happy and I like other people's ideas that they have or come up with.


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