Try the political quiz

291 Replies


Imagine if studying abroad was limited to favor local universities—how would that change your academic aspirations?

 @9KM4GVG from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

It would definitely limit the amount of opportunity you could have the ability to do

 @9KV5B6Y from Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

Studying abroad can teach you more about the profession you want to do. All employers would like to see a good and well-known college/university on the resume, and not all local colleges are good.

 @9KM3GJQ from Texas answered…3mos3MO

It would definitely limit the amount of opportunity you could have the ability to do

 @9KMQP5D from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

If the universities you could go to were limited then you may not get the education you need or want. It could limit the jobs or things you do when you graduate.

 @9KM4QTX from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

I would change by forceing people to go to those universities even if they don't

 @9KM4KNM from California answered…3mos3MO

Although I myself are not interested in studying abroad, I feel like I would be restricted if I did just because the local universities wanted to have more attendance/revenue because the outside universities are taking students.


What concerns might you have about your local community if restrictions were placed on cultural imports, like books and films?

 @9JT43DFGreen from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I believe that the long-term risk associated with "protectionism" is not worth the consequences.

 @9JT42G8 from California answered…4mos4MO

I prefer to learn as much about other cultures as I can, so I would likely be upset if the flow of new info was cut off

 @9JT3BZ7 from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

This is taking away basic rights, citizensNO should be allowed to watch and read whatever information they feel fit.


How would the dynamics of online gaming communities change if only games produced in your country were available?

 @9KZ79ST from California answered…3mos3MO

If we were isolated from the rest of the nation, we would lose lots of our collaboration with other countries and relations therefore with them. Even if focusing on ourselves economically would be beneficial, that does not mean we should be completely split from the world.

 @9KZ6YRD from Oregon answered…3mos3MO

the world would not be connected in the community and everyone would be angry. they are unable to play games from other countries

 @9KZ6P4Z from Illinois answered…3mos3MO


If international music were harder to access, how would that shape your cultural tastes and experiences?

 @9KM46NR  from New York answered…3mos3MO

I think it would make it difficult to have diverse interests and tastes. It would also hinder our understanding of other places and cultures.

 @9KLZWN2  from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

I would hate it because a lot of good music comes from the other side of the world. If I could only listen to "American" music i would go insane. People have different tastes.

 @9KLZKXJ from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

It would shape it badly because you wouldn't be able to experience your culture.

 @9KLZJ63 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

the potential contamination and destabilization posed by the cultural goods themselves


How does the idea of 'made in your country' influence your perception of product quality and value?

 @9JP8THN from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

Due to what our country likes to put forward, I enjoy buying goods made in the USA because it makes me feel like its something of quality made for the people by the people.

 @9JP8MBZDemocrat from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

depends, countries operate trade using comparative and absolute advantage

 @9JP8LRQRepublican from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

I feel that we ought to maintain our own status of production and manufacturing, and should foster growth and development within our borders. It should be noted however that foreign specialization due to comparative advantage is necessary in order to strengthen the economy. Therefore a blend of foreign and domestic is optimal, and protectionism is only necessary to an extent.


How important is it to you that jobs stay within your country, even if it means higher prices for goods?

 @9HZHBDPDemocrat from California answered…5mos5MO

I don't find this issue as important because I disagree. I believe that some jobs should be allowed outside of the country because keeping prices as they are now or lower will benefit many individuals struggling financially

 @9HZH6NG from California answered…5mos5MO

I think especially in America with the multi cultural and diverse society it would be important for jobs to be maintained within the country. Since, many jobs are local businesses or underground and going International will essentially make them lose importance or significance in the local level.

 @9HZH6S2 from California answered…5mos5MO

Not important at all, I believe people should be allowed to work outside the country and the cost of goods should be lower.

 @9HTB8YS from Florida commented…5mos5MO


In what ways could focusing on domestic goods over imports affect the cultural diversity of products in your country?


The U.S could loose a lot of support from other races if they stop importing foods that cant be grown in the U.S.


Should a country's government prioritize the economic well-being of its own citizens over global cooperation and why?

 @9HDFSX3Women’s Equality from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

It should prioritize the economic wellbeing of it citizens because if they have no citizens the global cooperation won’t matter

 @9HDFRJ3 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

yes, protectionism is good for a simple reason, if were gonna send jobs away, we need to get some sort of benefit out of it.


Do you think trade policies should prioritize your country’s consumers or producers, and why?

 @9HL2PLS from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

 @9HL34KFWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

 @9HL34NC from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I think producers because if the producers can get the product out for cheaper it will be cheaper to the public.


How would you react if foreign products were banned and only local products were available, even if they were of lower quality?

 @9H4HJNRProgressive from Washington answered…7mos7MO

That would be very bad we should have products from other countries too

 @9H462PF from Nebraska answered…7mos7MO


How do you feel about your country relying on its own goods and services during a global crisis?

 @9HZHC88 from California answered…5mos5MO

I feel that opening trade can aid both the home country and other countries. Isolationism and protectionism may not be the most beneficial option.


How would you approach environmental activism if your choices were limited to local products and services?

 @9LBGJ23 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

By supporting companies that have short supply chains, and have products that are local to the USA

 @9LBGGN5 from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

I would not support it because economies thrive on variety. But this question worded weird so i may have misunderstood it.


How do you weigh the pros and cons when your comfort item becomes substantially more expensive to promote local industries?

 @9KLY8XR from California answered…3mos3MO

Yes, assuming said product has an actual reason to become more expense, and isn't simile corporate greed.


I would be ok with it because then I would be more comfortable knowing I'm still getting a higher quality version of said comfort item than having to rely on a cheaply made item that won't last as long as the former.


How would you volunteer to support a local business struggling against a foreign giant?


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