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 @9MRFP83 from Utah answered…3wks3W

Yes, but when the meat is sold it should be required to disclose that it is lab grown as well as undergo several chemical tests.

 @9MQ8Z96 from Oklahoma answered…4wks4W

Yes, but only after extensive testing has been performed and verified in a triple blind study performed by an independent org that is verifiably not bought out by a party of interest.

 @9NXP8Z9 from Oregon answered…6 days6D

Well only as a backup to livestock ranches, in case something should happen like a mass plague or something horrible like that.

 @9NXGFVB from Ohio answered…6 days6D

I don’t support eating it but the government should not be allowed to prevent it from being available for those who want it.

 @9NX48GK from Pennsylvania answered…6 days6D

My opinion depends on if it can provide the necessary nutrients and sustenance for those who cant afford the needed food to survive. Make it an outlet to feed the poor and unfortunate.

 @9NVCN58 from Indiana answered…1wk1W

Government should allow it; however, it must be labeled and consumers must be aware of it so they can make their own decision.

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