Try the political quiz

Cannabis Legalisation platform and policies

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


Social  ›  LGBT Adoption Rights

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples

Social  ›  Abortion

What is your stance on abortion?

CL>CL  ChatGPTPro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions

Social  ›  Gay Marriage

Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies

the Economy  ›  Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?


Healthcare  ›  Drug Price Regulation

Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs?


How similar are your political beliefs to Cannabis Legalisation issues? Take the political quiz to find out.

Social  ›  Gender Identity

Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination

Healthcare  ›  Mental Health

Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services

Social  ›  Religious Freedom Act

Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, all customers deserve to be treated equally

Social  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete

Immigration  ›  Muslim Immigrant Ban

Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional

Social  ›  Planned Parenthood Funding

Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, their services reach far beyond abortions and can save many lives through cancer screening, prenatal services, and adoption referrals

the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?


Domestic Policy  ›  Armed Teachers

Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, this would increase the risk of accidental shootings

the Environment  ›  Climate Change

Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production

the Economy  ›  Paid Sick Leave

Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but the federal government should sponsor this program instead of businesses

Domestic Policy  ›  Drug Policy

Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time

Domestic Policy  ›  Term Limits

Should there be term limits set for members of Congress?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should the U.S. raise taxes on the rich?


Foreign Policy  ›  Mandatory Military Service

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

Domestic Policy  ›  Muslim Surveillance

Should local police increase surveillance and patrol of Muslim neighborhoods?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion

Education  ›  Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist

Immigration  ›  Immigration

Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship?


Education  ›  Student Loans

Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and increase government funding so every student receives a free college education

Social  ›  Death Penalty

Do you support the death penalty?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, too many people are innocently convicted

Education  ›  Free College for All

Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities?


Healthcare  ›  Marijuana

Do you support the legalization of Marijuana?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses

Social  ›  Confederate Flag

Should states be allowed to display the Confederate flag on government property?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, it is a symbol of racism, separatism and treason

Domestic Policy  ›  No-Fly List Gun Control

Should people on the “no-fly list” be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but not until the no-fly list screening process is improved for accuracy and includes due process

Social  ›  Government Mandates

Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control?


Domestic Policy  ›  NSA Domestic Surveillance

Should the NSA (National Security Agency) be allowed to collect basic metadata of citizen’s phone calls such as numbers, timestamps, and call durations?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, only with a warrant showing probable cause of criminal activity

Domestic Policy  ›  Gerrymandering

Should the redrawing of Congressional districts be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, gerrymandering gives an unfair advantage to the party in power during redistricting

Immigration  ›  Illegal Immigrant Detainment

Should local law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes and transfer them to federal immigration authorities?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, too many non-violent immigrants are being deported

Social  ›  Women in Combat

Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men

Science  ›  Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead

Healthcare  ›  Medicaid

Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)?


Crime  ›  Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit

Immigration  ›  Border Security

Should the U.S. increase restrictions on its current border security policy?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, make it easier for immigrants to access temporary work visas

the Environment  ›  Alternative Energy

Should the government give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, wind power is the best alternative to coal and natural gas

Social  ›  Gender Workplace Diversity

Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, the government should never require the diversity of private businesses

Elections  ›  Campaign Finance

Should there be a limit to the amount of money a candidate can receive from a donor?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, and ban all political donations and publicly fund elections

Immigration  ›  Immigration Healthcare

Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but only for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases

Healthcare  ›  Single-Payer Healthcare

Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, private companies should not be able to profit off of healthcare

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Laborers

Should working illegal immigrants be given temporary amnesty?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record

Elections  ›  Voter Fraud

Should a photo ID be required to vote?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, and automatically register every citizen to vote when they turn 18

Domestic Policy  ›  Patriot Act

Do you support the Patriot Act?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant

Foreign Policy  ›  Foreign Elections

Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, and we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy

Elections  ›  Minimum Voting Age

Should the minimum voting age be lowered?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote

Foreign Policy  ›  Israel

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?

CL>CL  ChatGPTWe should give equal support to Israel and Palestine.

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Assimilation

Should immigrants be required to learn English?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country

Domestic Policy  ›  Net Neutrality

Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, this would allow them to remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and increase prices

Domestic Policy  ›  Gun Liability

Should victims of gun violence be allowed to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, any business should be held liable if the primary use of its product is for illegal activity

Immigration  ›  Skilled Immigrants

Should the US increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?

CL>CL  ChatGPTIncrease

Immigration  ›  Citizenship Test

Should immigrants be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government?

CL>CL  ChatGPTYes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics

the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

CL>CL  ChatGPTFewer, and ensure benefits go to those that need it most

the Environment  ›  Oil Drilling

Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling?

CL>CL  ChatGPTNo, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production

Foreign Policy  ›  Military Spending

Should the government increase or decrease military spending?

CL>CL  ChatGPTDecrease