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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @9FMW82V from California disagreed…9mos9MO

If we were to decriminalize drug use where would the representation for those affected be for those who had a lack of self-control when taking drugs and committing serious crimes under the influence?


Ummm, yeah? Drugs is a lack of self control? Just don't take them? Don't be an idiot?

 @9FRFK9G from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

Drugs are a negative force. They impact the mind and make a person lose control of themselves. They help lazy people ignore their responsibilities. So for a successful society to function, drugs cannot be decriminalized.

 @9FXNPLD from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Too many uneducated people who do not know about consequences or are not bothered with em. This will cause problems

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

We keep smoking and vaping and alcohol legal. Banning drugs is just a crappy idea to begin with, and it just gave drug dealers more access and customers. If we regulate it, we can reduce the illegal dealing of drugs and their level of danger.


Vaping is more harmful than smoking, but provided people know the risks, fine, just keep it out of the schools. It really needs regulating, but maybe more in the way of Clear and Present Danger than in the way of "WHO WANTS REGULATED METHAMPHETAMINES?!"

Besides, more people would get hooked if it was legal, and it is scientifically proven that more drugs are needed each time to get a better high, so therefore, people would look to illegal drugs for greater strength anyway.

 @9FTRLC8 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I understand that this is a steep hill to climb for many - to decriminalize is equivalent to just letting dangerous people out onto the streets. But decriminalizing drug use is more akin to decriminalizing homosexuality than it is to decriminalizing rape and murder. These are non-violent drug offenders and many of them want to contribute positively to society. Drug abusers who commit crimes will still go to prison, but drug users who can contribute positively to society and violate no other laws should be free to do so.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @9FPP85Z from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Not having resources like Addiction Prevention centers can prevent the public from knowing the basic dangers of substance abuse and leave them uninformed and open to harmful things they know nothing about.

 @9FNC852 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Criminalizing drug use wastes government money and resources, does not have a significant impact on decreasing drug use, and can further drive those with a history of drug use into poverty, making them less likely to recover from addiction

 @9G2ZWF6 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Drugs are a matter of personal choice, as long as they are done so privately and safely in which no harm can be done to anybody.

 @9FTRLC8 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There is a great deal of misconception in those who oppose the legalization of drug use. The people who use and abuse drugs are not moral failures in need of punishment, they are sick people in need of treatment. The criminal justice system has been a total failure in treating the epidemic of drug use and abuse. It is time to listen to the experts: doctors, social workers, counselors, and psychologists, all of whom agree that drugs should be decriminalized and treated as a health issue, not an issue of crime.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

Yes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

Yes, for most but not all drugs

 @9G5485V from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that Drugs like Weed are alright and should be fine because of the multiply studies done showing it doesn't really do too much but I also believe that it should only been done in small doses. I also Believe that drugs like heroin and fentanyl are things that should be band and also stuff similar to that that people CAN get addicted to and OD on.

 @9FNJ62L from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

All drugs can **** you up badly so none of them should be legal because of what they could do to you

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

No, but decriminalize drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana

 @9G9TFLSRepublican from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

We shouldn't criminalize something that has good benefits. I would prefer something natural, instead of a man-made pill or drug.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

No, we should pass tougher drug laws

 @9F8Y59L from Alaska disagreed…9mos9MO

I personally believe that we should decriminalize the drug use in the United States. But at the same time, depending on how badly drug users or addicts are, and how illegally they are using or possibly even selling/ importing, they shall be arrested and get more time than usual, and with that provide help for the addicts while paying time or anything of the sorts.

 @9F87HB8 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

People should not be criminalized for having an addiction. They should be given help and resources to get help.

 @9FPP85Z from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Putting effort into stopping the drug trade and abuse is futile. The bottom line is if someone wants it, they are going to get it no matter the circumstance. Not to mention the amount of money circulation related to the drug trade. The best decision would bring more awareness to risks and how drugs affect you and your loved ones and the other many negative things attached to substance abuse.

 @9FN86KL from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Making the drug laws tougher would make the selling and buying of some otherwise harmless drugs (referring to cannabis and certain psychedelics) more needlessly dangerous for those who are unfortunately addicted. The 18th and 21st amendments to the constitution are a prime example

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

No, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation

 @9FPP85Z from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I think that addiction preventions centers are a total joke. The root of most addictions starts with mental health issues which are constantly avoided, especially in males. They should instead offer free counseling and free community event to help spread awareness and let people know they have support and are not alone.

 @98JZKDC from Maryland agreed…1yr1Y

No, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation

I absolutely agree. I consider myself to be socially liberal, but my one outlying belief is around marijuana and other recreational drugs, even the "less dangerous" ones. All drugs pose a risk. However, we absolutely do need to remain empathetic and supportive of those impacted by addiction, and increase government funding for community-based rehabilitation and prevention programs.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

 @4Q4842Pfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Drug addiction is a mental illness, not a crime. We have Alcoholics Anonymous, which helps people take back their lives, why not have the same thing for drugs?

 @8N6QGZS from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

I do not understand what decriminalization is so I’m going to say that if you possess a drug that’s illegal you should be arrested

 @4Q4C63Lfrom Nevada answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but level harsh penalties against the user if they hurt someone while under the influence.

 @534HWNPfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

Instead of jail time there should be mandatory rehab, and parole for that same as jail. They are still using in jails, so that only perpetuates the problem.

 @4THMGRMfrom Connecticut answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but drugs can also be used as weapons (i.e. as poisons), and hence should be controlled. Recreational use should be legal.

 @4VXP5HTfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

Only if we summarily execute those who sell to people under age 25. (So brain fully develops. Marijuana should be legal over age 21.

 @4S6KBRMfrom Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

No, we have a drug problem in this country and it's not likely due to the fact that people just want to break the law to use drugs. That being said, making it criminal is only costing tax payers money in retaining individuals that made poor choices, but are still susceptible to using when they are free, if we spent the same amount ensuring that people recover and educating others on the dangers and effective ways of coping with life, then we'd all be better off. One bad decision shouldn't ruin your life, but it should turn it around.

 @4S68HTKfrom Washington answered…4yrs4Y

 @534HTJKfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, legalize everything

 @98JZKDC from Maryland disagreed…1yr1Y

No, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation

What do you mean by "everything"? Are you including substances such as cocaine, heroin, etc.?

 @4Q8CTVCfrom Utah answered…4yrs4Y

I believe that if you have nicotine and alcohol legal then why not other drugs. But I would prefer that recreational use of any and all drugs, including tobacco and alcohol be prohibited. I do think that medical use of all drugs should be expanded.

 @9FQJH55Democrat from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

Yes, treat drug abuse as a health issue instead of a criminal one. Release or at least reduce sentences for non-violent drug offenders

 @8H96Y52 from Rhode Island answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and free people currently serving time for nonviolent drug offenses, and expunge nonviolent drug charges from criminal records.

 @8HQ7NMCIndependent from Minnesota answered…4yrs4Y

 @4Q89XTPfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but selling, transporting or supplying drugs should be illegal. The point is to not punish drug users, the real victims of drug abuse.

 @5J8LMX4Democratfrom Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and support increased funding for addiction prevention, treatments, and rehabilitation, as well as mandatory rehabilitation programs in lieu of imprisonment.

 @9D5CCYX from Texas answered…11mos11MO

What we should do is increase punishment for drug dealers but at the same time we should increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.

 @ThrilledCurRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania agreed…11mos11MO

Portugal is a great example of this. They decriminalized all drugs in 2001 and instead focused on treating drug use as a public health issue rather than a criminal one. As a result, they've seen a significant decrease in drug-related deaths and HIV infection rates. But, they also hold drug traffickers accountable with strict laws.

 @8H5YSWDGreen from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Marijuana should be decriminalized, but other instances of drug use should be dealt with through rehabilitation, not imprisonment

 @8GLW8NG from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, for most but not all drugs, reduce or remove sentences for recreational drug use as long as it does not endanger the lives of others, and there should be more funding given to addiction prevention and rehabilitation


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