Try the political quiz

Anti-Abortion platform and policies

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


Social  ›  LGBT Adoption Rights

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child

Social  ›  Abortion

What is your stance on abortion?

AA>AA  ChatGPTPro-life

Social  ›  Gay Marriage

Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman

Healthcare  ›  Drug Price Regulation

Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs

Social  ›  Gun Buyback

Should the federal government institute a mandatory buyback of assault weapons?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, this is a violation of the 2nd amendment

How similar are your political beliefs to Anti-Abortion issues? Take the political quiz to find out.

Social  ›  Gender Identity

Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, there are only two genders which are genetically not psychologically determined

Healthcare  ›  Mental Health

Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services

Social  ›  Religious Freedom Act

Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs?


Social  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate

Social  ›  Planned Parenthood Funding

Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions

the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, and make it a living wage

Domestic Policy  ›  Armed Teachers

Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, schools should require at least one teacher or security guard to be armed

the Economy  ›  Paid Sick Leave

Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, but only for maternity leave

the Environment  ›  Climate Change

Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?


Domestic Policy  ›  Drug Policy

Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and increase punishment for drug dealers

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should the U.S. raise taxes on the rich?


Social  ›  Racial Sensitivity Training

Should the federal government require racial sensitivity training for employees?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, as long as it covers all protected groups (age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion) and is not based on critical race theory

Domestic Policy  ›  Muslim Surveillance

Should local police increase surveillance and patrol of Muslim neighborhoods?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, until the frequency of terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists decrease

Education  ›  Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin

Immigration  ›  Immigration

Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, all illegal immigrants should be deported

Education  ›  Student Loans

Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and transition all current government student loans into privately managed accounts

Immigration  ›  Deporting Criminal Immigrants

Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime?


Education  ›  Free College for All

Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities?


Social  ›  Death Penalty

Do you support the death penalty?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence

Healthcare  ›  Marijuana

Do you support the legalization of Marijuana?


Social  ›  Government Mandates

Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, the government should support abstinence programs instead

Immigration  ›  Illegal Immigrant Detainment

Should local law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes and transfer them to federal immigration authorities?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, all illegal immigrants should be turned over to federal authorities and deported

Healthcare  ›  Medicaid

Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

Immigration  ›  Border Security

Should the U.S. increase restrictions on its current border security policy?


Social  ›  Gender Workplace Diversity

Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, the government should never require the diversity of private businesses

Immigration  ›  Sanctuary Cities

Should sanctuary cities receive federal funding?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, and we should ban the use of sanctuary cities

Immigration  ›  Immigration Healthcare

Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare?


Healthcare  ›  Single-Payer Healthcare

Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, the government should not be involved in healthcare

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Laborers

Should working illegal immigrants be given temporary amnesty?

AA>AA  ChatGPTNo, fine companies that employ illegal immigrants

the Economy  ›  Corporate Tax

Should the U.S. raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?

AA>AA  ChatGPTLower

Elections  ›  Voter Fraud

Should a photo ID be required to vote?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, this will prevent voter fraud

the Economy  ›  Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional

Foreign Policy  ›  Israel

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, and increase funding in order to move our embassy to Jerusalem

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Assimilation

Should immigrants be required to learn English?

AA>AA  ChatGPTYes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

Domestic Policy  ›  Gun Liability

Should victims of gun violence be allowed to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers?


the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

AA>AA  ChatGPTMore, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income

Foreign Policy  ›  Military Spending

Should the government increase or decrease military spending?

AA>AA  ChatGPTIncrease