Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9KHSR7G from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

Racism is not just an interpersonal issue, but a structural one. Black people are more likely to face housing, employment, and healthcare discrimination on basis of race. Institutions like redlining have directly impacted the livelihoods of Black Americans across the country, the effects of which will likely prevail for decades to come. White people are, to most upon first impression, inherently more innocent, intelligent, trustworthy, or non-threatening than Black people, purely based on preconceived notions. In many cases, racism is entirely subconscious. This doesn't mean that it's not there, however.

 @9KHPDCP from Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

That it still exists but it has improved. There will always be preferences based on culture, race and ethnicity.


A take on white privilege this backwards could only come from a lack of perspective: Claiming this are "not related to race" is in and of itself a manifestation of white privilege. Being able to not become privy to any form of suffering or struggle that other's face on a daily basis, while confusing everyday struggles of living in America as being "equal" with people of color is exactly why white privilege will never not exist. It's far too ingrained in so many mindsets that they are unable to see it

 @hplNC27 from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

White people are still disproportionately advantaged based solely on the color of their skin. Someone who believes white privilege doesn't exist anymore is clearly not checking their own privilege effectively enough. White privilege does not solely deal with financial or class struggle - it mainly involves long-ingrained societal biases that we must work harder to recognize and dismantle.

 @9KJLHCVWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…4mos4MO

we all go through things. However, white ppl go through things and are just white. Other ppl go through things BECAUSE they are not white.

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