Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Why do you think some people struggle to understand the concept of 'white privilege' and how would you explain it?

 @9KHLLPB from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

I think people don't realize that white privilege doesn't exist anymore. It existed back in the day but in this day and age they need to realize that we all suffer and go through things it's not related to race at all.


A take on white privilege this backwards could only come from a lack of perspective: Claiming this are "not related to race" is in and of itself a manifestation of white privilege. Being able to not become privy to any form of suffering or struggle that other's face on a daily basis, while confusing everyday struggles of living in America as being "equal" with people of color is exactly why white privilege will never not exist. It's far too ingrained in so many mindsets that they are unable to see it