
Order Summary

Total Cost: $175

Avg response per state: 5

Avg response per zipcode: 5

Estimated completion date: 4/12/2017

  • Anonymized response information (city, state, zipcode)
  • Geographical heat map of responses
  • Downloadable csv result data (download a sample)

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Group Responses

The data will contain (anonymized) information about each voter submission. If you prefer only a summary of results, for example by state or party affiliation, click the button below to group the data by broader parameters. See the results below for a sample of what the data will look like.

The data will be grouped by the following parameters. See the results below for a sample of what the data will look like.

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Sample of Data:

Pricing is based on the amount of data you request, at a cost of $.05 per row of data. If you only need a broader summary of results (for example, only totals per state, zipcode, or party affiliation) you can reduce the price and amount of rows in your order by grouping the data.

question 回答 submissions 重要性 日期 派对 意识形态 dma 集会区域 州参议院区 汇编区 邮政编码
If the 2018 New Hampshire… Sean Morrison 6,138 1.61 2017-07-05 Democratic Protection MP Victoria, Congressio... State Sena... Marshall State Hous... Manhattan 03452
If the 2018 Kansas District… David French 735 1.11 2017-11-06 Working Fa... Militarism Connecticu Great Fall Congressio... State Sena... Juana Día State Hous... Rickreall 59845
If the 2020 Missouri State… Scott Fitzpatrick 6,781 4.44 2017-04-12 Independen... Multilater South Caro Rockford, Congressio... State Sena... Lamar State Hous... Coleman 94027
Should Confederate monuments… 5,770 3.75 2017-09-04 Republican Militarism West Virgi Odessa-Mid... Congressio... State Sena... Rice State Hous... Casa Color 47537
If the 2018 State Legislative… Joseline Pena-Melnyk 7,488 3.51 2017-09-11 Peace and... Progressiv North Caro Paducah, K... Congressio... State Sena... De Baca State Hous... Bailey Lak 01515
If the 2022 Ohio District… Jeffrey Sites 8,647 4.8 2017-09-03 Women’s... Individual Wyoming Houston, T Congressio... State Sena... Elk State Hous... Maple Plai 90631
If the 2018 Arkansas District… Michael Colgrove 8,511 1.34 2017-01-07 Democratic Authoritar New Hampsh Portland, Congressio... State Sena... Alger State Hous... Belle Rose 77068


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