
10 回复


What measures can we take in our daily lives to make sure we are putting people before profit, and why do you think these actions are important?


Discuss a time when you've observed or experienced a sacrifice made for the greater good – how did that impact you?


In what ways has the pursuit of profit affected the environment around you, and how does that make you feel?


If you had the power to implement a 'People Before Profit' principle in one area of society, which would it be and why?


How might prioritizing collective well-being over individual wealth affect our friendships and family dynamics?


Imagine if your school’s policies were based entirely on student well-being; what would be the first thing to change?


What does a 'profit-first' versus 'people-first' approach look like in your community, school, or work?


Can you recall a moment in your life when you had to choose between personal gain and the well-being of others?


How do you think a society would change if the well-being of its citizens was the main focus of its economy?


What personal experiences have led you to value or question the importance of prioritizing people over profit?