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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9QRMYXW from New Jersey answered…3wks3W

 @9NHS5NN from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Yes, they should developed with time and secure that they are fully safe to be on roads.

 @9R7W3LD from Ohio answered…6 days6D

No. The government should only regulate the safety of self driving vehicles the same way it regulates the safety of human drivers.

 @9R5BL5X from Arizona answered…1wk1W

Yes, it is extremely crucial that these autonomous vehicles are road safe and needs to pass several government tests to ensure its safety.

 @9QZJKSHfrom Montana answered…2wks2W

The government shouldn't stifle invitation with over regulation. We shouldn't put too much restrictions on to the developers but we should also make sure autonomous vehicles are actually safe and reliable. If something goes wrong lots of people could get hurt. It's a balancing game of giving autonomous car manufacturers the freedom to innovate and make impressive new technology and making sure the public is safe.

 @9PWGWHT from New York answered…4wks4W

No, but give out financial incentives to corporations who are developing such technology.