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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @davecaro  from Louisiana answered…2wks2W

No to restrictions, but transparency concerning the use of collected data should be required and strictly adhered to.

 @9NVFB9N  from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

Customers and companies should be able to contract under informed consent, and punished if the contract is violated.

 @9MM9XSW from Hawaii answered…2mos2MO

yes. lots of data is stolen yearly, I'm sure the number is even higher than the hundreds of thousands at this point.

 @Dry550  from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

Yes, business companies shouldn’t be spying on workers or using personal data to take advantage of them

 @9MLNDSP from Texas answered…2mos2MO

No, but private companies that collect data from users should have to answer to the reasoning behind the collection of user data.

 @9MKS5G3 from Florida answered…2mos2MO