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“Food that is produced as an GMO but brought up w/ chemicals (ie Monstano) should be banned outright, however we in the US have such great corps unlike other nations b/c of GNOs and that science. GMOs are not bad, but it what we do w/ them that can be b/come bad. For example GMOs today are produced to benefit companies not plant genetic plant make-up or even the consumers. They are made to keep farmers buying from chem companies not matter what. When ever you have industries telling you what to think there is a problem! People show research GMOs and current industry use instead of chem companies PR notes and campaigns. Chem companies get people before and after they get into the FDA and stop any really research into the negative affects. The FDA/ Fed health agencies state that industry GMOs are the "same" as any other plant fruit and veggies, yet why are they patented? If industry GMOs are not diff. than why are they patented. B/c they--GMOs made by chem Cos.-- are prodects.”

From a Democrat in Breezy Point, NY
In reponse to: Should producers be required to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs)?

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