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Bagaimana pendidikan tentang kesehatan seksual dan pencegahan kehamilan dapat berdampak pada tingkat aborsi, dan haruskah pendidikan tersebut berperan lebih besar dalam perbincangan publik?


Bayangkan bagaimana pengalaman hidup yang berbeda, seperti status ekonomi atau kesehatan, dapat mempengaruhi pendirian seseorang terhadap aborsi; bagaimana pemahaman ini mempengaruhi cara Anda mendiskusikan topik tersebut?


Menurut Anda, bagaimana sikap masyarakat terhadap hak-hak reproduksi perempuan telah berkembang, dan bagaimana hal ini mempengaruhi dialog aborsi saat ini?


Perlukah laki-laki mempunyai suara dalam proses pengambilan keputusan mengenai aborsi, dan peran apa, jika ada, yang harus mereka mainkan?


Mengingat kemajuan teknologi dalam perawatan neonatal, menurut Anda bagaimana pengaruh kelangsungan hidup janin terhadap undang-undang aborsi?


Apakah Anda yakin bahwa akses terhadap aborsi adalah masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan harus diperlakukan sama seperti layanan kesehatan lainnya, dan mengapa atau mengapa tidak?


Renungkan momen ketika Anda pertama kali menyadari kompleksitas perdebatan tentang aborsi; nilai atau pengalaman pribadi apa yang memengaruhi perspektif Anda?


Jika Anda mempunyai wewenang untuk membuat undang-undang tentang aborsi, faktor-faktor apa yang akan Anda pertimbangkan untuk menjamin keadilan bagi semua pihak yang terlibat?


Menurut Anda, dalam hal apa budaya dan nilai-nilai komunitas Anda membentuk pandangan individu mengenai topik aborsi, dan bagaimana hal tersebut berdampak pada pandangan Anda?


Bagaimana Anda menyeimbangkan hak perempuan untuk memilih dengan hak janinnya, dan pada titik manakah, jika ada, janin harus mempunyai hak hukum?

 @33MVDVNdari Minnesota dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-life, but we should work toward creating a society where family planning is promoted and all families have economic security.

 @33MR7XVdari Texas dijawab…4 tahun4Y

I think it's cruel to force lives into being, when they cant or wont be cared for and the Pro-Life folks don't care for them either. Once every child born is properly cared for, then we can begin to do away with this poor choice: abortion. But always for rape, incest, health reasons, etc.

 @2JJ2FRDdari Maryland dijawab…4 tahun4Y

After the mother and father assuming he is in the picture agree. If the father wants to keep the baby he should be allowed even if the mother does not.

 @2JHVB73dari Ohio dijawab…4 tahun4Y

I'm pro-choice for first 20-24 weeks. If no abortion by then, woman HAS made a choice. No abortion after point fetus would survive if born.

 @2JHN9SJdari Iowa dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Abortion should not be a government issue. It should be left up to the individual.

 @2JHCKKMdari Colorado dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro life, but it's not my right or the government's to ban abortion, and the government should not require taxpayers to fund it.

 @2JH4ZVKdari Alaska dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Mandatory counseling for girls under 16 if she chooses not to tell her parents and gets an abortion or even if she does tell her parents. While the decision might be the correct one, to terminate a baby beginning to grow inside a female is a traumatic one and one which will haunt her many years later as an adult. I am not saying they need counseling before abortion, simply afterwards.

 @2JH3Q5Ndari New Jersey dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-life, except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child's health while also providing proper amounts of sex ed in schools, birth control and social services reducing the number of required abortions but I have no right to force my opinion on someone else to force them to have the child.

 @2JGLVP9dari New Jersey dijawab…4 tahun4Y

The male and female have to agree to abort the fetus. If the male wants to have his child spared from abortion the female should have to deliver the baby and pay child support.

 @2JGLFGWdari Virginia dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-life, but society needs to expand access to providing birth control, sex education, and social services that could help reduce the number of abortions so it is only an option in extreme cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child's health.

 @2JGJ6NDdari Wisconsin dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Should not be used as birth control method, if not rape or incest the father should be allowed a say in the process, should not be easy except in case of rape, incest or danger to mother.

 @2JGCRJBdari Oregon dijawab…4 tahun4Y

The abortion rate is a big problem. But, we have much bigger problems. Until we can stop killing each other in senseless wars, and killing our host planet, the general solution of Pro-Choice is the only that makes sense.

 @2JG5DW5dari New Mexico dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Abortion on demand, no limits, no explanation required! Birth control and sex education should be mandatory. A woman should have 100% autonomy over her own body and privacy.

 @N9G2Y9 dari Wisconsin dijawab…4 tahun4Y

I am against abortion though I do support a woman's right to choose. I recognize that not all people share my religious beliefs and that each person should decide what is best for their own life.

 @N9FT7N dari Georgia dijawab…4 tahun4Y

It should NOT be an option for birth control, but a safe option if needed to save a life, and in rape and incest cases. Placing a blanket ban on something that is a PERSONAL choice, should be left alone

 @N7TXMS dari Iowa dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-Choice: Actions have consequences. You chose to have sex intercourse and got pregnant, the baby should live. You didn't choose, rape or incest, then immediate abortion should be available & the responsible party punished accordingly. No thinking - there was not any to begin with.

 @N79Q6K dari North Carolina dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Limit time for abortion to pre-viability around 20-22 weeks unless continuing pregnancy endangers the mother's life.Insist on sex educational programs that are age appropriate and timely. Make information and access to birth control available to anyone of childbearing age.
Provide social services to men and women coping with unexpected and unwanted pregnancies
no matter what their choice about continuing pregnancy. Provide family therapy.

 @N766N3 dari Oregon dijawab…4 tahun4Y

No questions ruing first trimester, counseling before procedure in second trimester, no third trimester abortions unless the mother's life is threatened. Mandatory (non abortion) birth control education in all schools and serious punishment for those who intentionally procreate without the ability or intention to provide for those kids.

 @N5ZH3G dari California dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Ban after first trimester, and require a neutral third party to provide information on all choices available (including abortion and adoption). Abortions would require first that the pregnant female obtain a referral from this organization, if that is the option she chooses.

 @N5JH86 dari California dijawab…4 tahun4Y

When something is totally wrong with the pregnacy, then do what has to be done to protect the mother, otherwise, let the child come into the world and let society care and protect the child for the mother. Help the mother through the ordeal regardless of cost.

 @N32RV3 dari Kansas dijawab…4 tahun4Y

I am opposed to abortion but think criminalizing it, sending mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses and others to prison would be cruel and impractical. Without imprisonment what sense would criminalizing it be? I am Catholic but don't agree with or believe the Church's ban on contraception. I think the Church's and other people's "just say no to unmarried sex" abstinence solution is naïve, simplistic and unrealistic. People who have sex who don't want to get pregnant should use the most effective birth control they can. Pregnant women who don't…  Baca lebih lajut

 @MBKTFR dari Kansas dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Woman's choice, The Government has no right to tell a female what she can or can't do with her body.

 @MBK56V dari Nevada dijawab…4 tahun4Y

 @MBJTQH dari Florida dijawab…4 tahun4Y

 @MB3L2H dari Wisconsin dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Ban after first trimester UNLESS product of rape or incest, or danger is posed to the health of the mother or child.

 @M8ZFKW dari Maryland dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-choice, but the government should not be involved in funding it or financially supporting it in any way. Insurance should not be forced to cover the cost. And if abortion is deemed legal then criminals who murder pregnant women should not be held criminally responsible for the death of the fetus. It cannot be murder in one case and not in another.

 @M869C6 dari New Mexico dijawab…4 tahun4Y

 @M83YL5 dari California dijawab…4 tahun4Y

It's a personal moral issue. Government should have nothing to due with it, including providing taxpayer funded abortion. If someone wants an abortion, they should pay for it themselves.

 @M3NL43 dari Oregon dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Rape and incest do not invalidate the value of the baby. Adoption is always an option. To save the life of the mother, I believe abortion is acceptable.

 @M3G68N dari Maryland dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro choice, but there should be a time limit to terminate. In cases where window is missed, aid should be given if child is to be surrendered for adopted.

 @LWNBVS dari Pennsylvania dijawab…4 tahun4Y

 @LTDS5J dari Oregon dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Each person needs to decide for themselves what is right. I choose to be pro-life, but pro-choice for other people.

 @LRBBPN dari Texas dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Pro-Life, I don't agree with abortion, but its not my right or the government's to ban abortion

 @LQ6DQ5 dari South Dakota dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Prochoice until the 26th week. At that point the baby is viable outside the body and thus a human.

 @LPGLJC dari Minnesota dijawab…4 tahun4Y

Sovereignty over one's own body is not surrendered to any government at any level. Federal mission statement, Constitution's Preamble, is to defend liberty, sovereignty of self is a critical aspect.