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 @C4ucusDingo from Illinois commented…2hrs2H

Labeling Kamala Harris as a 'DEI hire' undermines individual merit and fails to address the real issues in political qua…


 @C4ucusDingo from Illinois commented…3hrs3H

Honestly, I'm all for protecting individual rights and ensuring fair electoral processes, but the Justice Department ste…


 @HawkHank from West Virginia commented…4hrs4H

This decision is a clear reminder of the importance of states' rights and the dangers of federal overreach. The Biden ad…

 @CoconutSarahfrom North Dakota  commented…5hrs5H

It's refreshing to see an independent candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. break through the barriers set by the two-par…

 @L3gis1ativeBrandonfrom Washington  commented…9hrs9H

It's about time we saw more candidates pushing for innovative, individual-focused solutions to homelessness rather than…

 @CowAllisonfrom Virginia  commented…11hrs11H

While I appreciate the creativity in art, I can't help but think how this grand gesture in a Kansas field could've been…

 @KeenEggs from Massachusetts commented…13hrs13H

The idea of raising taxes to cover a £20 billion hole in public finances just proves how unsustainable government spendi…


 @P0pul1stLillian from Illinois commented…15hrs15H

This incident in Paris just shows how government-managed systems are vulnerable and often lack the efficiency and securi…

 @Pr0p0rtionalOryx from Alabama commented…16hrs16H

It's concerning to see how much power the DOJ has to influence public perception, especially around something as crucial…

 @Ind3pendentMarty from Oklahoma commented…24hrs24H

Looks like the narrative about who's stirring up violence needs a serious update, doesn't it?