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 @9RLS2MY from Massachusetts answered…6hrs6H

No, because opponents of the pipeline argue that the pipeline only has the potential to pollute water supply and destroy…

 @9RLN7FN from Indiana answered…9hrs9H

I can see how this isn't ideal and could potentially be dangerous. So yes. But I also am not that knowledgeable on the t…

 @9RLMV5W from Virginia answered…9hrs9H

Eminent domain done for profit should be forced to pay royalties to the land owner. This should be transferable as long…

 @9RL8282 from Pennsylvania answered…16hrs16H

Know, but they should have more care about where they put it and maybe they do have to go around certain spots not just…

 @9RL3DYD from California answered…21hrs21H

No I think that if the experts believe that it is necessary for energy independence then it is a good idea. However we s…