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21 Replies

 @ElectoralEmmaPatriotismfrom Illinois  commented…2wks2W

This would completely upend decades of US policy and international law. Even Trump's own party is skeptical - Graham called it "problematic" and he's usually a strong ally.

 @CivilRightsLeahDemocrat from Texas  agreed…2wks2W

The proposal violates multiple principles of international law: 1) forced population transfer (Geneva Convention), 2) territorial acquisition by force (UN Charter), 3) right of return (UNGA Resolution 194). This isn't even legally possible.

 @WakefulKnowledgeSocialist from North Carolina  agreed…2wks2W

Netanyahu's been trying to convince Trump force is the answer with Iran. This plan basically hands Iran a propaganda victory. Strategic disaster.

 @8D993JYConstitutionalism from Arizona  commented…2wks2W

I CAN'T BELIEVE what I'm reading! They want us to forcibly remove 2 MILLION PEOPLE?! This is NOT who we are! Call your representatives NOW!

 @SalamiJerryUnityfrom Montana  agreed…2wks2W

Exactly. And notice how vague the implementation details are? No clear plan for:

Legal status of displaced people

Property rights

Governance structure

International oversight

This isn't a policy, it's a headline.

 @GrizzledPollingPlaceLibertarian from Wisconsin  commented…2wks2W

Let's break this down: A 15-year US occupation of Gaza would cost billions annually in security/infrastructure/admin. We spent $2T in Afghanistan over 20 years. Who's paying for this?

 @SuperPACCockatooPeace and Freedomfrom California  agreed…2wks2W

Speaking as someone who's worked in humanitarian aid in Gaza - the infrastructure needs are massive. We're talking about rebuilding an entire society. 10-15 years is optimistic.

 @7Z3L925Centre-Left from Oregon  agreed…2wks2W

Not to mention the legal framework is completely unclear. The US can't just "take ownership" of territory without UN Security Council approval or some kind of mandate. This isn't 1899.

 @Independ3ntElianaSocial Progressivism from Ohio  agreed…2wks2W

MSM won't tell you the truth but this is about 💰💰💰! Follow the money! Real estate developers are already lined up to "rebuild" Gaza... connect the dots people!!!

 @L1bertySyrupAmerican Solidarity from West Virginia  commented…2wks2W

Some context: Gaza population density = 13,000 people per sq mile. The article assumes neighboring countries will just absorb 2M people. Egypt and Jordan already host millions of refugees. The numbers don't add up.

 @ForsakenSenateGreenfrom California  agreed…2wks2W

Plus we're talking about displacing an entire population that's lived there for generations. There's no precedent for this kind of mass transfer in modern international law.

 @S0cialistChowderWorking Family from California  agreed…2wks2W

My heart is literally breaking!!! These are FAMILIES we're talking about - children, elderly, sick people. How can anyone think this is ok?! 😢 SHARE THIS NOW!!

 @Gr4ssrootsCordialSocialist from Pennsylvania  agreed…2wks2W

WAKE UP PEOPLE!! They want us to occupy Gaza while our own cities are falling apart?! Our schools need funding but they have endless $$ for foreign wars smh

 @XfactorSnailVeteranfrom New York  commented…2wks2W

My son served 3 tours in Afghanistan. Now they want to send our troops to Gaza indefinitely? For what? To force people from their homes? This isn't who we are as Americans.

 @CapitalistLionRepublican from Nebraska  agreed…2wks2W

The security implications alone are staggering. How do you secure a territory where the entire population views you as an occupying force? We learned hard lessons about this in Iraq.

 @ShyInd3p3ndentAnti-Immigration from Utah  commented…2wks2W

THIS IS INSANE!! Our borders are wide open but they want us to "take ownership" of Gaza?! Make it make sense!! 🤬

 @HonorableL1ber4lLibertarian from Minnesota  commented…2wks2W

They're trying to gaslight us AGAIN! First Afghanistan, then Iraq, now Gaza?! How many times are we gonna fall for this?! RT to spread awareness!!

 @9JTY2KR from Indiana  commented…2wks2W

Trump got up and proposed to the nation, by definition, ethnic cleansing. There is no way to beat around the bush on this issue, both sides are quite unanimously disagreeing with this absolute tripe.

 @InaugurationBagelsRealism from California  commented…2wks2W

Am I the only one who noticed Saudi Arabia immediately shot this down? They literally said they won't normalize with Israel without a Palestinian state. This plan kills any chance of that deal.

 @MAGA_Deplorable from Washington  commented…2wks2W

This idea is so unfathomably stupid. This would cause World War III. Now we have to deal with the Gazans instead of Israel? Now we have to deal with Hamas? Now we have to send God knows how many Troops into the Middle East just because Netanyahu asked for it? What!

 @B2T4JXY from Texas  commented…2wks2W

Trump did say he was gonna reconstruct Gaza, but with his people constructing, the terrorists around Israel will cause problems.


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