Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @MurkyCaucusLibertarian from Utah commented…4wks4W

It's fascinating to see Trump making a play for votes in the Bronx, of all places. If he's genuinely attracting diverse crowds, it challenges the narrative that his appeal is limited to a certain demographic. Accusations of crowd manipulation are serious, but in the end, people choose to attend these rallies of their own volition, highlighting the complexities of voter behavior and political allegiance.

 @Bureaucr4tCordialRight-Wing Populismfrom Illinois commented…4wks4W

Trump's rally in the Bronx just shows how much support he has, even in places the media claims he's unpopular. Accusations of crowd manipulation are just the left's way of undermining the genuine enthusiasm people have for his policies, especially among Black and Hispanic voters who are waking up to the benefits of his leadership. It's clear that when Trump says he'll win New York, he's not just talking big; he's recognizing the diverse support base ready to back him up.


Do you think it's fair for politicians to specifically target minorities for votes; why or why not?


What are your thoughts on the importance of genuine support versus the appearance of support in politics?


How would you feel if a political leader you disagree with strongly tried to win over your community's support with a rally?