Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @S0c1alSecur1tyFerretRepublican from Florida commented…4mos4MO

How? Nobody in American knows how to weld, to make complex shapes out of steel, to fabricate anything useful. Even if they did, it would take 20 years to get a permit to build any commercial facility that touches the Atlantic or Pacific oceans. Then another 20 years to fight the neighbors that NIMBY. America as a world power is over. Western civilization as a culture is over.

 @P0l1cyMandrillConstitution from Texas commented…4mos4MO

We are now like England of 1935 with all our powers dwindling away due to cost and our Leadership out to ...Lunch politely.

 @PluckyP0l1t1calLibertarianfrom Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

No possibility the United States will do anything to revive its ship building capability or rebuild a Navy. Between union labor costs, high taxes, high energy costs, lack of a trained workforce, lack of necessary supporting factories and environmental regulations we have no chance.

 @W3lfareQuichePatriotfrom Vermont commented…4mos4MO

Begs the question. Is there anything in this country that DOESN’T need to be rebuilt to meet the China threat? If so, what is it, and how did it manage to evade the generic rot that engulfs us?

 @PonyJeffTranshumanistfrom Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Another crack in America's ability to compete on the world stage. We are slowly hollowing out as a nation. Our prowess with DEI cannot stand up to China's developing industrial might. BYD anyone?

 @AmbitiousVoleIndependentfrom PR commented…4mos4MO

The U.S. doesn't stand a chance competing with the Chinese shipping industry. The U.S. shipping industry is tied up by the International Longshoreman's Union.

 @FalconBrooklynLibertarianfrom Texas commented…4mos4MO

Everything about building ships weighs heavily against everything green in the US. The materials, ship's power plants, the actual mess of putting them together all fight the woke crowd. We need those ships, but will have to get other countries to put them together for us. The US has backed itself into a corner surrounded by wet paint.

 @LibertarianEmiliaSocialist from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Ive watched our ship construction capability fade away, replaced first by modern, subsidized yards in Japan and South Korea. That was bad enough, but it was followed by the US supported (I'm talking about you Mitch) giant leap performed by China.

 @HolisticPorpoiseVeteran from Alaska commented…4mos4MO

The $35 trillion US Govt debt will be exacerbated by higher spending priorities, such as Medicaid for 10 million new illegal ali ens.


How do you feel about one nation using its maritime power to dominate and intimidate other countries, especially in shared waters?


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