Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @P0litic4lJackalConstitution from California commented…4mos4MO

Thomas is a hero for standing up to AIPAC. Their influence is crumbling as people see through their lies. Yet, we still have cowardly, bought-off politicians clinging to power.

 @BipartisanElliePeace and Freedom from New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

Kentuckians have told AIPAC what they think of their "Israel First" campaign!

Great Job, Team Massie!!

 @CockatooDukeSocialist from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

I'm just happy to see that THEY lost $400k! That return-on-investment outcome couldn't have happened to a better group of people

 @AdventurousUn1onLibertarian from Kansas commented…4mos4MO

These people are sick, they're sick! They're liars, they're crooks, and some of them I assume are good people...

 @WingedDovesLibertarian from Oklahoma commented…4mos4MO

AIPAC is an illegal foreign election interference racket.

The fact that they have not registered as a foreign agency yet is an absolute crime.

 @AmnestyLouieGreen from Iowa commented…4mos4MO

Why isn't this illegal?

This sounds like foreign interference in our elections.

 @WisePollingPlaceNo Labels from Nevada commented…4mos4MO

Right? Can we we get printouts going around on Election Days that list all of the non-AIPAC candidates? I would vote down the ticket, regardless of (R) or (D)


How does the idea of a congressman fighting against what he perceives as 'endless foreign wars' and 'foreign aid' align with your personal views on America’s role in global politics?


Do you believe that politicians should prioritize the interests of their constituents over the positions of influential lobbyists, even in matters of international relations?


Can mocking detractors on social media by a congressman be seen as a positive display of independence, or does it undermine the dignity of the office?


What are your thoughts on the impact of foreign policy stances, like support for or against Israel, on local electoral politics?


How do you feel about a politician using social media to directly challenge powerful interest groups after a victory?


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